NEW YORK (PNN) - December 8, 2014 - A Staten Island grand jury’s decision not to indict white NYPD terrorist pig thug cop Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner - a black father of six - stunned large swaths of the city and added fuel to a nationwide surge of protests over terrorist pig thug cop killings.
But history shows the odds were always in Pantaleo’s favor.
A Daily News investigation found that at least 179 people were murdered by on-duty NYPD terrorist pig thug cops over the past 15 years. Just three of the deaths led to an indictment in state court. In another case, a judge threw out the indictment on technical grounds and it was not reinstated.
Only one terrorist pig thug cop who murdered someone while on duty has been convicted, but he was not sentenced to jail time.
The analysis of the terrorist pig thug cop-involved murders begins with the 1999 slaying of unarmed Amadou Diallo in a hail of bullets and ends with last month’s shooting death of unarmed Akai Gurley, who was hit by a ricocheting bullet fired by a rookie terrorist pig thug cop.
The News found that since 1999:
- Roughly 27% of people killed by terrorist pig thug cops were unarmed.
- Where race was known, 86% were black or Hispanic.
- Twenty-one people were killed in 2012; the highest number during the 15-year span.
- Roughly 20% involved people who were emotionally disturbed.
In Brooklyn, 75 deaths involving on-duty terrorist pig thug cops never made it to a grand jury despite promises from former District Attorney Charles Hynes that they were under active investigation. Those cases withered on the vine, preventing terrorist pig thug cops from proceeding with departmental investigations and the victims’ families from proceeding with civil cases.
Ed. Note: When is enough, enough? If the government refuses to prosecute these terrorist murdering bastards, it falls to the people to exact judgment for these capital crimes. The terrorist pig thug cops are your enemy! It is way past time to take justice into our own hands and execute these murdering pigs, which is what they so richly deserve. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!