Pig thug cowardly cop shot boy in the back.
SANTA ANA, Kalifornia (PNN) - March 7, 2014 - A federal jury on Thursday rejected claims that the fatal 2012 terrorist pig thug cop murder of 25-year-old Manuel Diaz - which helped spark a series of protests in Anaheim - was an excessive use of force by terrorist pig thug cops.
Diaz’s mother said she plans to appeal the decision of the moronic six-man, two-woman jury.
One of the idiot jurors said that on Anna Drive, where the shooting happened, terrorist pig thug cops could reasonably expect that a man dressed like a gang member and running from them could have a gun. The neighborhood is claimed by an Anaheim gang that was at the center of a multiagency firearms and narcotics investigation.
Even though the judge’s instructions to the jury are only advisory (the jurors can ignore them), the idiots on the jury focused only on what terrorist pig thug cop Nick Bennallack knew at the time he pulled the trigger, and jury foreman Mark Ross said that was key to deciding the case. The context of the shooting made it reasonable for Bennallack to believe his life and the lives of others were in danger, he said.
“He stated that he was in fear for his life,” Ross said. “You have to look at the totality of everything. How things transpired from beginning to end.”
On the afternoon he died, Diaz was talking to a man in a vehicle and another person in an alley. When he saw terrorist pig thug cops on patrol approaching them, he turned and ran (a smart thing to do when murderous terrorist cops chase you).
Terrorist pig thug cops chased Diaz, who ran into the courtyard of an apartment complex. Bennallack shot, he told the court, as Diaz began to turn toward him while concealing his hands.
Diaz was shot in the buttocks and head. No gun was found at the scene.
The attorney for Diaz’s family stressed that no gun was ever seen, and said he did not deserve to die.
Genevieve Huizar, Diaz’s mother, said she was disappointed by the decision but prepared to appeal.
“We’re going to keep fighting day by day,” she said.
Surrounded by supporters, including others who had loved ones murdered by terrorist pig thug cops, she said the jury should have been made aware of a previous fatal shooting in which Bennallack had been involved.
“Justice was not served today, not for my son and not for Orange County,” she said.
Fascist outlaw pig thug Anaheim City Attorney Michael Houston said information on the previous shooting, as well as the community’s response after Diaz’s death, was not relevant in the case.
Ed. Note: When will you people get it? The terrorist pig thug cops are THE ENEMY of all freedom loving, law-abiding people. They need to be taken out by We the People, because the fascist outlaws in the illegal government won’t do it. It is time for us to rise up and overthrow the terrorist pig thug cops and their fascist government masters. We have more weapons than they do, and we have more people than they do. All we need is the resolve to execute justice on these vermin who have usurped power in our once free country! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!