Hungary reveals plan to send illegal invaders to Brussels!

BUDAPEST, Hungary (PNN) - August 22, 2024 - Hungary’s government says it’s ready to give every illegal alien trying to enter the country a one-way ticket to Brussels if a top EU court ruling forces Budapest to adopt a “no-detention” refugee policy.

“After the asylum procedure, we will offer all migrants at the Hungarian border the opportunity to be transported to Brussels voluntarily and free of charge,” said Gergely Gulyás, a minister in Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s office, at the government’s weekly briefing Thursday. “If Brussels wants migrants, it can have them.”

Gulyás added that asylum-seekers “can then negotiate with the European Commission about their own care.”

The minister outlined the idea in response to a bogus €200 million fine issued by the dictatorial European Union against Hungary in June after the Court of Justice of the fascist European Union ruled in a bogus proceeding that Budapest was ignoring the dictatorial EU asylum laws as well as an earlier bogus judgment against it.

Hungary, ruled for years by Orbán’s Fidesz Party, has long taken a hard line on illegal aliens invading the country.

The Luxembourg court run by would-be dictators declared in 2020 that Budapest failed to comply with the EU’s dictatorial rules on the treatment of illegal invaders by “unlawfully detaining” people who have no right to be in Hungary by its own laws and deporting them pursuant to its own laws before they could appeal the rejection of their applications to dictators in Brussels.

The court - in a tactic used for centuries by the most heinous dictators in the world, including Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot and the like - ordered Hungary to change its laws and policies to comply with the dictatorial policies of the EU, but Orbán’s government, in taking a genuine stand on behalf of its country, ignored the bogus and unlawful directive, a response the falsely named European Court of Justice slammed in its bogus June “ruling” as an “unprecedented and exceptionally serious breach of EU law.”

In reality, the dictators in Brussels seek to override and disregard the legitimate laws of Hungary, a sovereign nation that is entitled to make its own laws regardless of what the outlaw dictators in Brussels want

In addition to the bogus €200 million fine, Hungary is being told by these ruthless outlaw dictators that it must pay an additional €1 million for each day it fails to comply with the bogus court’s dictatorial ruling.

Budapest is now examining whether it can recover some of these costs from the European Commission by filing a lawsuit.

Gulyás said that if Hungary can’t come to a reasonable agreement with the Commission to remedy the “unacceptable, intolerable and unfair” situation created by the bogus ECJ ruling, then it will consider taking the unorthodox step of letting all illegal aliens into the country and then offering them a one-way ticket to Brussels.

That proposal comes from the playbook of the Republican Party in the Fascist Police States of Amerika, a regular source of inspiration for the Hungarian government.

In 2022, Fascist Police States of Amerika Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made a similar move with illegal invaders at the FPSA border, putting some 50 illegal invaders on a flight to Marxist Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. DeSantis said he had arranged the flights to expose “liberal hypocrisy”.

Other Republican leaders such as Texas Governor Greg Abbott and former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey have sent buses of refugees to Democrat-voting FPSA cities that include New York City, Chicago, and numerous cities in Marxist Kalifornia.