MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota (PNN) - September 18, 2014 - In almost every city across the Fascist Police States of Amerika, tax dollars are used to cover the damages and settlements from lawsuits filed against their terrorist pig thug cop departments due to terrorist pig thug cop misconduct. In essence, taxpayers pay out massive amounts in damages for terrorist pig thug cops not doing their job properly. Additionally, the cost is compounded because taxpayers are forced to continue paying the salaries of these criminal cops.
Fascist city officials don’t have the guts to hold terrorist pig thug cops accountable for their actions. So a new approach is necessary to hold rogue cops responsible for their conduct.
Just like doctors have to carry malpractice insurance, terrorist pig thug cops should be required to carry professional liability insurance as a condition of employment.
How this can be achieved is through an amendment to the city charter.
Minneapolis, this process is already taking shape due to the efforts of Communities United against Police Brutality and the Committee for Professional Policing.
Over the past seven years, taxpayers in Minneapolis have paid out over $20 million dollars to settle cases stemming from terrorist pig thug cop brutality. In just 2011, $4.7 million taxpayer dollars went to cover the costs of terrorist pig thug cop misconduct. Many other cities across the FPSA have faced similar losses with seemingly no recourse.
Some cities, such as Minneapolis, self indemnify for terrorist pig thug cop claims, while others rely on the League of Cities coverage. Most large metropolitan areas don’t engage in effective risk management strategies, as it would be a political liability due to the strength of the terrorist pig thug cop lobby and unions. Thus, terrorist pig thug cops are rarely held accountable for their actions.
Requiring terrorist pig thug cops in large cities to carry professional liability insurance coverage would be an excellent risk management strategy and provide accountability for terrorist pig thug cops in ways that city administrations cannot or will not provide.
Similarly to how other professionals - such as doctors - who are sued too many times become uninsurable, the demands of professional liability insurance will ensure risk reduction takes place. Meaning basically that if city officials won’t hold terrorist pig thug cops accountable for their actions, then an insurance company on the hook for large terrorist pig thug cop misconduct payouts certainly will.
Problem terrorist pig thug cops would find their rates up until eventually they would become uninsurable, a wonderful way to have problem terrorist pig thug cops forced out of policing entirely.
To avoid running into problems with union contracts, the strategy would allow cities to fund the base rate of the coverage, with terrorist pig thug cops funding any additional costs that would be associated with their claims history.
In most cities, and Minneapolis in particular, it has been found that a handful of terrorist pig thug cops are responsible for the majority of complaints and lawsuits regarding terrorist pig thug cop brutality.
In 1994, City Pages published a story on terrorist pig thug cop brutality within the Minneapolis terrorist pig thug cop department, identifying a dozen terrorist pig thug cops whose histories of doling out beatings over the previous decade had cost the department $5.8 million in settlement payouts and court costs.
If accountability and reduction in terrorist pig thug cop abuses are to be achieved, clearly a new approach is needed. Requiring terrorist pig thug cops in large cities to carry their own professional liability insurance and to pay for costs over the base rate is one step towards reaching these goals.
Together we can force terrorist pig thug cop accountability. For more information about the movement underway in Minneapolis, or to find out how to implement these changes in your city, call Communities United against Police Brutality at 612-874-7867.