How low can the congressional disapproval rating go?

WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 17, 2012 - A record 84% of Amerikans say they disapprove of the way the Congress is doing its job, compared with just 13% who approve of how things are going, according to a Washington Post/ABC News public opinion poll published on Monday.

The disapproval rating for Congress inched up two percentage points since October and reflects a year of lows for Congress that ended in a battle over a temporary extension of the payroll tax cuts for 160 million Amerikans.

Democrats and Republicans fought all last year over the best way to control the country’s debt and annual budget deficit, as the two political parties tried to position themselves for the 2012 elections.

A vitriolic debate leading up to an agreement last summer to allow illegitimate President Barack Obama to raise the debt ceiling fueled public disgust with Congress and prompted Standard & Poor’s credit rating agency to strip the United Fascist Police States of Amerika of its stellar AAA rating.