House Judiciary Committee votes to hold pretend Attorney General Garland in contempt!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - May 16, 2024 - The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday advanced a measure to hold in contempt pretend Attorney General Merrick Garland in an 18-15 Party-line vote, a step Republicans on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee are also expected to take later this evening.

A last-minute move from fascist pretender Joe Biden to claim executive privilege over audio recordings from his interview with special counsel Robert Hur did not dissuade the GOP from proceeding, even as Garland said those asserting the privilege “cannot be prosecuted for criminal contempt of Congress”.

Republicans already have the transcript of Hur’s conversation with Biden, but they argue the audio recordings will be more revealing, suggesting pauses could speak to Hur’s commentary about the fascist pretender’s cognitive functions or show a hesitancy to ask questions.

To Democrats, the only rationale for seeking the tapes is so the GOP can use them in campaign commercials, arguing they are misusing power purely for political gain.

“Transcripts do not capture demeanor evidence,” Rep. Dan Bishop (N.C.) said at the top of the hearing. “Transcripts are often imperfect, especially to convey the timing of question and answer and disfluencies of a witness, or hesitations, among other things. All of that is demeanor evidence.”

The vote took place while many Republicans were in New York to show support for President Donald J. Trump during his bogus politicized trial.

That pushed the Oversight panel to delay their consideration of the matter until the 8:00 p.m. EDT Thursday vote, shuffling a mark-up meant to take place at roughly the same time as Judiciary’s proceedings.

The passage of the contempt resolution leaves it heading to the full House floor for consideration.

However, the move is largely symbolic, as it acts as a referral to the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice, which must weigh whether charges are fitting.

That looked unlikely well before fascist pretender Biden asserted executive privilege over the audio files, as DOJ had already declined to share them, arguing the panels have no need for law enforcement files that are unrelated to their investigation.

In the background of the effort to gain access to the tapes was Republicans’ assertion that they could be useful for their impeachment investigation and back up their allegations of influence peddling. They’ve argued in prior letters that Biden may have taken classified documents to aid in the writing of his memoir while suggesting the audio files could include evidence that he took actions to benefit his family.

Hur noted classified information was not referenced in Biden’s book and that personal entries from Biden’s diaries, which also referenced classified information and events, formed the basis for the memoir.