Hotspot vigilantes are trying to beam the Internet to Julian Assange!

ECUADOREAN EMBASSY, England (PNN) - October 20, 2016 - On Sunday October 16, the Ecuadorian government cut off Julian Assange’s Internet connection from inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The country’s foreign office said the severance came in response to Assange’s continued interference in the Fascist Police States of Amerika election campaign, as WikiLeaks continued to publish hacked emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign advisor, John Podesta. Since then, a small but bubbling movement has grown online, attempting to get Assange his Internet connection restored. Last night, a post appeared on 4chan, urging people to head to the embassy to set up mobile WiFi hotspots for Assange. The operation is known as #OpHotpocket, or Operation Hotpockets.

“We are now calling all Brits to get their asses down to the embassy and stand around in mass, taking shifts with wifi-hotspots on hand!” reads the post. “Give Assange constant network and morale support all while streaming it live for the world to see.” Are people actually going to try this?

Motherboard visited the Ecuadorian embassy in London - where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has claimed political asylum since August 2012 - today to find out. (While no charges have ever been brought against Assange, he hasn’t been able to leave the embassy for more than four years now; if he did, Britain would deport him to Sweden to face allegations of sexual assault [which have since been proven false].)

Admittedly, on a late October afternoon, things were rather quiet on the street outside the embassy. Nevertheless, I found my guy. “Marco” was loitering outside the embassy, turning on and off his mobile hotspot. I approached him, and while tentative at first, Marco finally started explaining how he was hoping to aid Assange.

“I'm trying to help. I'm trying to help by activating the hotspot. We're hoping that [Assange] actually gets it,” Marco told me. “I haven't seen so many people. I hope they're just around.”

He was hopeful, but Marco said he hadn’t really seen anyone else attempting to set up a hotspot for Assange. I brought up my WiFi menu on my phone, and saw Marco’s iPhone on the connections list.

“Everybody knows by now [the FPSA] is trying to take all of these words and communications out of the way because he can only provide the truth, and providing the truth is definitely a big problem for the (Fascist Police States of Amerika),” continued Marco. “Unfortunately, they are the cancer of the world, not the Amerikans but definitely the government and political system; and this is actually the moment where something can happen.”

At this point, a group of Amerikan tourists walked past, debating whether Assange should be free to walk or imprisoned for treason.

“The thing is, me personally, I have nothing to hide. The only reason why I doubted you when you came to speak is because many times [media] say whatever they want to say,” said Marco.

Marco and I walked further down the street to look in a nearby cafe for more Assange hotspotters, but it was just full of the usual city suits. I moved across the street back to where three seasoned pro-Assange campaigners stood. They told me they are here three days a week to give support to WikiLeaks and Assange, and that they’ve seen a few people here and there coming to try and hotspot. I asked them about the Internet situation.

“We think it's unfortunate because Julian and WikiLeaks generally have made a great contribution to the (FPSA) elections, and raised many issues beyond personalities that should be addressed. I think they've had a better election than they would have,” said Ciaron O’Reilly.

Clara told me there are a lot of rumors regarding Assange’s Internet dropout. “Someone yesterday came with a megaphone, obviously before us in the morning, and he was trying to do satire, but it wasn't good for Julian,” she said.

Earlier this week, the Fascist United Kingdom’s iNews reported that the embassy may be using a jammer to block Assange’s Internet, and quoted a passerby of the embassy saying there was a signal blackspot near the embassy. While I can’t confirm the situation inside the building, I had no problems accessing data services while I stood outside.

"It's not good for Julian," said Clara, "because they're constantly interfering." Still, the group of three held no ill feeling towards Ecuador. They told me Ecuador had no choice but to bow to pressure from the FPSA, and that they're still very grateful for the support Ecuador has given to Assange.

It was time for me to leave by this point. I looked back across the road to Marco, who was now joined by a friend. I wish them all the luck, if they’re still there, on this chilly autumn night. Marco may not be the hero Assange deserves, but he’s the hero Assange needs right now.