High school student arrested for telling principal he is disappointed in him!

SAINT JOHN, Indiana (PNN) - April 4, 2014 - In Lake Central High School in St. John, Indiana, students staged a sit-in over the school's failure to acknowledge a student's suicide. Of note is the fact the principle responds to their protest by saying he's in charge and ordering everyone to get out their IDs, basically acting like a two-bit terrorist pig thug cop. After one student makes a comment that he's "disappointed" in the principle, he then orders that student to be arrested, to which the lackey terrorist pig thug cops present immediately oblige.

A secretary answering the phone at the administration center Thursday afternoon said no pig thug officials were in the building to comment. She said she would absolutely not contact any of the pig thug officials on behalf of the press and ask them to respond to a request for comment.

A video taken of the protest and posted to the LiveLinks website shows a crowd of students gathered in an area on the first floor of the school’s new addition. A woman in the video is seen yelling at Tobias that the student was her son and that all they were asking for was a moment of silence over the intercom for him.

Tobias is heard telling the woman, “Ma’am, you’re not in charge here, I am.”

Tobias then tells the protesters to get out their student identification and told them he was “disappointed,” to which a protester replied, “We’re disappointed in you, too.”

Terrorist pig thug cops are later shown dragging the student out of the area as the crowd cheered.

The student, Hunter Ernst, 18, of Schererville, was arrested for resisting arrest and possession of a knife on school property, St. John terrorist pig thug cop Chief Fred Frego said Thursday.

Considering he's legally an adult, those are serious charges for which he could potentially face jail time.

The students who participated in the sit-in were dismissed from the building, and their teachers were instructed to mark them as absent.

Tobias said it seemed there were more students interested in missing class and causing a disruption and that he was disappointed more students saw the sit-in as the right solution instead of talking with an adult about their feelings.

Why didn't Tobias talk to the student who said he was "disappointed in him" about his feelings rather than create a disruption by ordering him arrested? If that's how he feels, why not lead by example?

Fact is, as former New York State Teacher of the Year John Taylor Gatto has noted, Amerikan public schools today mirror prisons and dissent is not tolerated.