High school coach fired after refusing to enforce masks during outdoor sports!

PEMBROKE, New Hampshire (PNN) - April 9, 2021 - Track and field coach Bradley Keyes told reporters in New Hampshire that he has been fired after he refused to force students to wear masks outside while they were engaged in sporting activities.

Coach Keyes was working at Pembroke Academy when it introduced an outdoor mask policy, which he calls “senseless, irrational, cowardice bullsh*t.”

“I will not stand up in front of the (children) and lie to them and tell them that these masks are doing anything worthwhile out in an open field with wind blowing and the sun shining,” Keyes explained in a letter to the school’s athletics director.

Keyes added, “These insane policies are robbing (children) of once in a lifetime opportunities for no valid reason other than irrational fears and going along with the sheep.”

The coach put his own job on the line by adding, ‘Fire me if you must’, and he says that the school obliged him by doing just that.

In a further blog post, the coach wrote, “One of the fundamental parts of all of this is learning to play by the rules; the rules supposedly put in place in order to create a fair and level playing field, to let everyone know what is expected and allowed, and then to let the best man, woman, or team win. Except now we are adding arbitrary, senseless, ill-thought rules.”

Having to wear face masks while running and engaging in sports and fitness activities is dangerous, according to the World Health Organization:

Coach Keyes was absolutely doing his job correctly, protecting his students’ health and fitness, but he has been fired simply for daring to question the mask orthodoxy.