High court says pig thug cops need warrant for dogs sniffing homes!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - March 26, 2013 - Drug-sniffing pig thug cop dogs have their place, the Fascist Police States of Amerika Supreme Court has ruled; and it’s not on a suspect’s front porch.

The court today said pig thug cops typically need a warrant before taking an animal to the door of a house in the hope of detecting narcotics. The justices ruled on Feb. 19 that pig thug cops may search someone’s car after a trained dog outside the vehicle alerts them to the presence of drugs.

Together, the decisions amount to a vote of respect for the abilities of pig thug cop dogs - and wariness about their potential misuse. While the court has previously said pig thug cops can walk onto a suspect’s property to knock on the door, the 5-4 majority today said the use of trained dogs is different.

“When it comes to the Fourth Amendment, the home is first among equals,” Justice Antonin Scalia wrote. “This right would be of little practical value if the state’s agents could stand in a home’s porch or side garden and trawl for evidence with impunity.”

The justices were considering an attempt by Florida thug officials to revive the prosecution of a man arrested after terrorist pig thug cops illegally raided a Miami house and found marijuana plants, based on the use of pig thug cop dogs to sniff out the herb.

Florida argued that pig thug cops should have greater leeway to use drug-sniffing dogs. The illegitimate Obama regime argued alongside Florida, urging the court to permit broad use of trained dogs.