ALBANY, New York (PNN) - January 19, 2023 - In a rare victory for health freedom, the state Supreme Court of New York ruled this week that a statewide COVID “vaccine” mandate for health care workers imposed by fascist outlaw Governor Kathy “Karen” Hochul and the state’s health department is unconstitutional and will not be allowed to stand.
The landmark ruling, which was issued on Friday the 13th, came from state Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri, who declared that the statewide COVID jab mandate for medical staff in New York is “null, void, and of no effect.”
The court as a whole ruled that Hochul and state Department of Health bureaucrats grossly overstepped the bounds of their authority by imposing a COVID injection mandate on health care workers - sidestepping the state legislature in the process.
Neri added in his post-ruling statement that Hochul’s mandate was “arbitrary and capricious,” further citing evidence that COVID jabs do not even work to stop the spread of the alleged virus - not that the injection’s effectiveness or ineffectiveness is any matter when it comes to one’s freedom to just say no to drugs of any kind.
“In true Orwellian fashion, the Respondents acknowledge then-current COVID-19 shots do not prevent transmission,” Neri wrote, citing a Summary of Assessment of Public Comment that was entered as evidence in the case.
Another issue that Neri took with Hochul and the Department of Health’s mandate is that it applied a loose definition of the term “fully vaccinated” as arbitrarily defined by the latter.
“A term which is defined at the whim of an entity, subject to change without a moment’s notice, contains all the hallmarks of ‘absurdity’ and is no definition at all,” Neri wrote.
The ruling came following a lawsuit filed by Medical Professionals for Informed Consent, a coalition of medical professionals whose members were negatively affected by the jab mandate - some were actually fired for refusing the injections.
“This is a huge win for New York health care workers, who have been deprived of their livelihoods for more than a year,” stated Sujata Gibson, the plaintiffs’ lead attorney. “This is also a huge win for all New Yorkers, who are facing dangerous and unprecedented health care worker shortages throughout New York State.”
While the ruling only affects medical workers in the state of New York, its implications for those in other states across the country, and even in other countries, cannot be overstated.
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president Mary Holland announced in a statement that she and her team are “thrilled” by the ruling, calling it a “critical win against a COVID vaccine mandate, correctly finding that any such mandate at this stage, given current knowledge, is arbitrary.”
“We hope that this decision will continue the trend towards lifting these dangerous and unwarranted vaccine mandates throughout the country,” Holland added.
In the comments, one person asked if New York health care workers who were already fired will now be reinstated, including with back pay, and receive any type of compensation from the lawsuit. Another asked if the ruling stops private health care systems from mandating the jabs.
“It’s good to hear someone is trying to put a stop to this murdering of the population - it’s way late, but at least finally some people are standing up to do the right thing,” wrote another.
“This should have happened three years ago,” wrote another, not so thrilled by the timing of all this. “The justice system is a complete failure.”