HONOLULU, Hawaii (PNN) - October 13, 2020 - While we have grown used to the people (well, at least those who are capable of thinking for themselves) of Michigan and Kalifornia complaining that the tyrannical COVID lockdown rules imposed by Governors Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom are arbitrary and capricious, it is less often we hear from those living on the beautiful islands of Hawaii.
For many mainlanders, the thoughts of a vacation to Hawaii are heavenly. However, as the following rural Hawaiian exclaims in her Twitter thread, “Hawaii is committing suicide” with its “cargo-cult level BS” travel restrictions.
Mom Folding Laundry begins her righteous rant as follows: “Guys... I cannot tell you how bad it is in Hawaii. They cancelled our flight without telling us. It took an hour to get through the new security checkpoint. A guy there (a surgeon with an exemption) was telling the people to go ahead and arrest him. We had to check into a hotel in Oahu overnight. We can’t leave the room because we are technically quarantined. I have to fill out paperwork again to go from this island to our own.”
She continues, “This is B___S___. They think tourists are coming back in 4 days? Hawaii has committed suicide. We may legit have to move. This is ridiculous. In closing, I will say this: Shut the f_ck up about the ‘dangers of COVID’. What is happening in Hawaii is some cargo-cult level, praying to the gods for deliverance from the ‘plague’, b__s__.”
She continues, “Hardly anyone is sick here. But we are all broke. At this point, I feel like the response to COVID should have been managed at the federal level. This state to state bullsh*t is not working. I am a goddamn Amerikan. I am entitled to the same rights as any other Amerikan.”
She continues, “I’m not even kidding that there were only like 50 people on our plane to Oahu from Seattle, and one of them [a surgeon] ended up yelling at airport security to go ahead and arrest him. The state of Hawaii is trying to detain him - even though he has surgeries to (perform) in the morning. This man comes to Hawaii once a month to perform surgeries. Every month.”
She continues, “They keep changing the regulations for entry. The state or Hawaii is denying (its) citizens access to medical treatment via (its) constant changing of (its) rules. This doesn’t even surprise me. Many of us here in Hawaii use medical services that come from other islands, or even from the mainland. Hawaii’s ridiculously overzealous travel restrictions are going to make it so that even fewer doctors are available to serve the citizens.”
She continues, “The veterinarian who sees my horse normally flies in from Oahu. Until recently, he was the only equine vet serving the island. Our only pediatric psychiatrist on island works ½ time on another island. These travel restrictions are not only cumbersome, but risk lives.”
She continues, ”I’m currently walking my (child) through creating her own account and filling out her own paperwork online. She is 18 so she is required to have this. They wouldn’t let me do both of us on my phone. She needs to do it on her phone. What do 18-year-olds without phones do, I do not know. I have a doctoral degree and struggled to figure this out. My (child) would not have figured it out without me.”
She concludes, “The new travel requirements will trap Hawaii residents here as securely than if they were slaves. This is where people say I’m being hyperbolic; but at what point in the loss of your freedom do you speak up?”