Half of managers complain it is difficult to work with snowflake Gen Z employees!

More than a third have had to fire younger staff because they are too easily offended.

SAN FRANXISCO, Kalifornia (PNN) - April 21, 2023 - More than half of managers have been forced to fire Gen Z workers after claiming that they lack motivation and are too easily offended.

In a new study by Fascist Police States of Amerika-based company ResumeBuilder, team leaders were asked about their workforces - with shocking results.

It found that out of more than 1,300 respondents the majority (74%) believe Gen Z is more difficult to work with than any other generation.

Of that group, 59% said they had been forced to fire a Gen Z worker, with 12% doing so within the first week of their employment.

The survey revealed the reasons managers find Gen Zers to be challenging employees, including a lack of technological skills (39%), lack of effort (37%) and lack of motivation (37%) - to name just a few.

They have also claimed that Gen Z workers were too easily distracted (36%) and easily offended (35%).

Speaking to the site, Akpan Ukeme, the head of HR at SGK Global Shipping Services, confirmed why he finds it challenging to work with Gen Zers.

He said, “In our organization, the Gen Zs I have interacted with can be exhausting because they lack discipline, and they like to challenge you. I've butted heads more than once with a Gen Z employee because since our company is online based, they think they know everything about the digital world and that they can teach me. They think they're better than you, smarter than you, more capable than you, and they will tell you to your face.”

ResumeBuilder's chief career advisor, Stacie Haller, said that the nonexistent pandemic could be partly to blame for Gen Z attitudes.

She said, “'As a result of COVID-19 and remote education, it's possible that Gen Zers lack the foundation to be more successful than older generations in entry-level positions. We know that with remote work and education, communication skills do not develop as well and people tend to work more independently.”

Haller concluded, “Hiring managers need to be cognizant of this when interviewing Gen Zers for positions. This generation may need more training when it comes to professional skills.”

However, there were some that defended Gen Z employees.

Adam Garfield, marketing director at Hairbro, said, “Compared to other generations, I find Gen Z to be highly innovative, and adaptable. They are not afraid to challenge the status quo and bring new ideas to the table. They also value authenticity and transparency and expect companies to be socially responsible and ethical.”

He was quick to add a caveat.

He stated, “However, one area where I believe Gen Z could improve in the workplace is their communication skills. While they are proficient in using digital communication tools, they may lack some of the interpersonal skills required for face-to-face interactions.”