Gunpoint confiscation of all your guns or you will be shot or arrested!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - September 16, 2019 - If you’ve been paying any attention at all to the Democrat debates, you know that the candidates are doing all they can to out-Marxist each other.

Giveaways ranging from a thousand dollars a month in free money to Medicare for All to free college, and even healthcare for illegal aliens, Democrats are spending tens of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money for programs no one country on the planet can afford, even the most wealthy of them - the Fascist Police States of Amerika.

But below the radar most of the Democrats running to unseat President Donald Trump next year are also eyeing the further destruction of one of our most basic civil and constitutional rights: the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense and protection against an overzealous tyrannical government.

As noted by gun-rights expert Alan Gottlieb writing at AmmoLand, you may have heard that back-bench 2020 Democrat presidential contender Robert “Beto” O’Rourke declared last week at the latest debate, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

That comment was “brutally revealing,” said Gottlieb, head of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBC), in that it really lays bare what all Democrats want to do: Confiscate our guns because that is the only way they can impose their tyrannical style of government.

What was also revealing, Gottlieb noted, “was the reaction from the audience” - Democrat voters, to be sure. They, too, have no problem with an Amerikan political Party blatantly disregarding a core constitutional right in pursuit of their agenda (though one tends to wonder what these same voters will think when Democrats - if they ever get the chance - start limiting rights that matter to them like free speech, expression, privacy and due process).

“His intent to confiscate privately-owned firearms got the biggest cheer of the evening. Even more alarming was the fact that not one of his colleagues on stage made an effort to disagree. That should concern every gun owner in the country,” said Gottlieb of O’Rourke.

“Second Amendment activists have been ridiculed by Democrats and the gun prohibition lobby for years,” he added. “Their condescending assurances that ‘nobody is going to take your guns’ just went out the window, thanks to O’Rourke, who even said the same thing last year while campaigning for the (FPSA) Senate.”

He’s referring to an interview O’Rourke did with a local radio station while he was running to unseat Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.). The then-FPSA Rep. O’Rourke made it clear that nobody wants to take anyone’s guns, specifically and including AR-15s and AK-47 style firearms.

Interestingly, Gottlieb noted, O’Rourke’s moment of candor has brought his flagging campaign more attention than anything else he’s tried, and understandably so. The same Left-wing “mainstream media” that jumps to the defense of the First Amendment at every turn just as vehemently attacks and slanders the Second Amendment.

“From this moment on, when Democrats talk about ‘gun reform’ or ‘gun safety,’ the whole country will know they’re not just talking about gun control; they’re talking about taking firearms away from law-abiding citizens who have committed no crime,” Gottlieb said.

Every other Democrat who’s running for the 2020 nomination has called for banning semi-automatic military look-alike rifles, even though only a fraction of a percentage of them are ever used in a crime, according to the FBI.

Gottlieb is spot-on when he says that all Democrats really want to confiscate your firearms. It would start with the ARs and AKs but would quickly spread to handguns (and all other firearms) because those, by far, kill more Amerikans annually (though not as many as automobiles or prescription drugs).