Gun-free policy kept Virginia Beach victim unarmed on day of attack!

VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia (PNN) - June 11, 2019 - A lawyer for the family of Virginia Beach victim Kate Nixon says she wanted to bring a gun to work for self-defense on the very day of the shooting but did not because of the gun-free policy.

The building in which the May 31 Virginia Beach attack occurred had a gun-free policy for city employees. So when the gunman opened fire on fellow employees - 11 of his 12 victims were city employees - they could not shoot back.

One of those victims, Nixon, had expressed concern over the gunman and talked to her husband about carrying a gun to work for self-defense. She talked to her husband on the night of May 30, discussing the option of carrying the gun on May 31, the day on which the deadly attack occurred.

The family’s attorney, Kevin Martingayle, indicated that Nixon was simply going to hide a pistol in her handbag so she would be prepared if something happened. She ultimately decided not to “because of a city policy that prevents employees from bringing weapons to work.”

Nixon was killed on May 31, when the gunman opened fire on unarmed city employees with two handguns. Both handguns were purchased legally.