Gun confiscation just happened in Florida and it will happen nationwide!

MIAMI, Florida (PNN) - March 20, 2018 - For all those individuals who claimed door-to-door gun confiscation wouldn’t happen? Well, it just did… in Florida.

Apparently this happened to a 56-year-old man who has not committed a crime: he just falls into a category of people that could “pose a harm to the public good.”

Four firearms and 267 rounds of ammunition were taken from the man, and he was taken to a hospital for involuntary psychiatric treatment. The seized firearms were listed as a Ruger LCP .380 pistol, an M2 Mauser .45 pistol, a Charter Arms .357 mag snub nose revolver, and a Mossberg 500 12-gauge shotgun.

The civil ruling removing his access to guns and ammunition was granted under new legislation that permits confiscating guns from people who have not been committed but are deemed a potential risk to themselves or others, according to the order signed by fascist Broward’s Chief Judge Jack Tuter.

What’s even worse is that they have incorporated wonderful elements of Communism, namely stool pigeons and snitches within the family or by order of a judge. Yes, Communism is that system that many deny, along with Marxism, which concentrated on removing undesirables and nonconformists by sending them to psychiatric wards until they displayed “correct thinking”.

For those who are not aware of it, Communism is the end-state resulting in the death of all the undesirables and the enslavement of the masses. For primers on Communism, read George Orwell’s 1984, and J. Edgar Hoover’s Masters of Deceit. Yes, Communism is alive, well, real, and waiting… in the guise of labels such as “the Progressive Movement” and “Social Justice,” clarion calls for armies of fools and illiterates who wish to change the world to be utilized in the call.

Utilized and then liquidated after their usefulness expires. History has shown it again and again, with the “showcase era” being the entire 20th Century.

Here is an excerpt that illustrates how the Communists work… turning family members against one another, using the terrorist pig thug cop force outside of its normal role, and bypassing due process of law with the use of judges.

The confiscatory order also bars the man from making new firearm or ammunition purchases. On March 9, Governor Richard Scott signed a $400 million gun bill that includes orders that allow a family member or terrorist pig thug cop to petition a judge to order the seizure of an individual’s firearms. The bill also unlawfully put waiting periods in place for long gun purchases, raised the minimum purchase age for long gun purchases from 18 to 21, and banned bump stocks.

Instead of denouncing the order and upholding the Constitution, the fascist judge, addressed as “Your Honor” but without any… is now selectively interpreting the law and bypassing the Second and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution in one fell swoop. All of this has been initiated courtesy of Governor Scott.

Illinois is passing a legislative ban and the mandatory turn-in of “prohibited” firearms by 18-20-year-olds. Other States are following. What is not accomplished by the federal government is being accomplished by the States. They’re using the youth and the pressure of media and social media to mold the public into compliance. What they cannot engender in that department they’ll close with de jure legislation.

The problem with laws? Once they’re in place, they’re able to be enforced by men with badges and guns… forcing you to comply. By the time the law is scrutinized by the courts it is too late. Furthermore, court scrutiny is not a guarantee that things will be set straight. It is more likely they will not be. They win by passing their laws, and you are a “subject”. You become the victim of the tyranny of the majority, and the “Your Honors” - who are paid politicians and puppets - selectively interpreting, bypassing, and violating constitutional law.

They are coming for the guns. Each new “incident” elicits a new response, an incremental shift of the paradigm, as they craft their socialist society. They must have the guns, and they will be coming door to door for them… as they have just done in Florida. Take steps now while you still can. In the end, a fight is coming. To win, people need to be smart. They need to be aware of what is going on… when to hold ‘em, fold ‘em, walk away, and run… not just stand and fight. The first battle is to admit to what is happening and prepare for what is to come.