Green Party drops recount effort!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - December 4, 2016 - The Green Party has finally accepted that Donald Trump is the Fascist Police States of Amerika president after the left-wing Party dropped its court case demanding a statewide recount of votes in Pennsylvania. Reports suggest that Jill Stein’s Party failed to muster the bond payment needed to trigger the recount of the FPSA presidential election votes by Monday.

A court order filed on Saturday ruled the case closed after it claimed petitioners had filed to withdraw the case.

Green Party officials had questioned the result of the presidential election last month after claiming that voting machines had been hacked or that the results had been changed.

Jill Stein, the Green Party’s presidential candidate, who received just 1% of the popular vote - is expected to hold a rally on Monday outside Trump Tower, New York.

The 66-year-old tweeted on Saturday, “How odd is it that we must jump through bureaucratic hoops and raise millions of dollars so we can trust our election results? #Recount2016.”

She added, “#Recount2016 is so expensive because of elected leaders who have refused to invest in a 21st Century voting system.”

Pennsylvania, along with Michigan and Wisconsin, was one of the historically Democrat states that voted for Trump during the presidential election where Stein has pushed for a recount.

Republicans in Pennsylvania have slammed the Green’s desperate ploy of a recount in the swing states, claiming that it was just a stunt to gain media attention.

A statement from the Pennsylvania GOP read, “The filing of a discontinuance of the Election Contest by Jill Stein’s petitioners tonight is a recognition that their Election Contest was completely without merit, and meant solely for purposes to delay the Electoral College vote in Pennsylvania for President-Elect Trump. Candidate Stein’s allegations created the false allusion that some unidentified foreign government hacked our state’s voting systems when absolutely no such proof existed. We believe that she always knew that she had no such proof.”

Trump condemned Stein’s efforts to recount the votes in the three swing states.

He tweeted, "This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn’t even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount."

Even if Trump lost a recount in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, he would still have the magic 270 Electoral College votes needed to become president.

Stein claims that she raised $11 million for her recount effort.