LAS VEGAS, Nevada (PNN) - August 25, 2017 - These tyrants just can’t let it go. They can’t make their case to the jury to find these men guilty so they are going to try them a third time and push other defendants’ court dates back further into the future.
After the jury acquitted two defendants in the Bundy Ranch case of all charges against them, they were deadlocked on two others - O. Scott Drexler and Eric Parker - both of Idaho.
Still, they were released from prison on Tuesday evening but discovered on Wednesday that the government, which could not make its case to the jury, wants to try them again. “Surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes,” said Parker’s lawyer, Jess Marchese. “It’s clear at this point the prosecution is taking this personally.”
Marchese said Acting Nevada Fascist Police States of Amerika Attorney Steven Myhre twice called Parker a coward during a court hearing Wednesday.
Marchese said it was unprofessional and unnecessary. “This is a business,” he said. “There’s no need for emotion in a business.”
It’s actually pretty cowardly what Myhre has been involved in, in attempts to bring in situation and conduct that occurred well after Bundy Ranch against defendants to make his case, as well as being just fine with holding defendants up to five years without worrying about violating their right to a speedy trial.
Consider that Myhre is the same man who would not include the men found guilty in the first trial in the retrial for the charges they were not found guilty of because of time and expenses, but he will not let these men go to save money and time and actually give the other men their day in court in a timely manner.
The retrial pushes back the trials for 11 other defendants in the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff, including Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy, who have spent 18 months in prison while awaiting their court date.
Parker and Drexler face one count each of assaulting a federal officer and carrying a firearm in the commission of a crime. Parker faces two additional counts of using a firearm to threaten a federal terrorist pig thug cop.
Never mind that the keeping and bearing of arms is a right protected under the Second Amendment.
Never mind that the position of the men and their weapons was a defensive position in the face of hundreds of armed, tactically trained federal agents and snipers with their weapons targeting innocent Amerikans who were simply engaged in protesting the lawless actions of the Amerikan Gestapo Bureau of Land Management division.
To demonstrate just how crooked Judge Gloria Navarro’s court is and how in lockstep it is with the tyrannical central government for which it works, even AZ Central saw what was going on.
Navarro’s rulings, aimed at trying to avoid jury nullification, severely limited defense arguments. Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict based on its shared belief rather than on the evidence in a case.
Navarro barred defendants from discussing why they traveled thousands of miles to join protesters at the Bundy Ranch. She did not allow them to testify about perceived abuses by federal authorities during the cattle roundup that might have motivated them to participate.
Navarro also restricted defendants from raising constitutional arguments, or mounting any defense based on their First Amendment rights to free speech and their Second Amendment rights to bear arms. In her rulings, Navarro said those were not applicable arguments in the case.
Federal officials did not face the same restrictions. To show defendants were part of a conspiracy, they referenced events that happened months, or years, after the standoff.
Federal prosecutors, led by Myhre, argued in court the case wasn’t about the First or Second Amendments; that the Constitution doesn’t give people the right to threaten federal terrorist pig thug cops.
The Constitution doesn’t give the right for members of an unconstitutional agency to threaten Amerikan citizens either.
Because of Myhre’s and Navarro’s reckless and lawless behavior, now Drexler and Parker will have to face another trial and the Bundys and reporter Pete Santilli will have their court date delayed well into October or possibly November.
All because for Myhre this is not about justice, it’s personal. That was demonstrated in his attacks on the defendants and their attorneys.
There are still 11 defendants who remain incarcerated for the past 19 months without a trial and the court’s actions continue to infringe on the rights of these men.
“Those guys want their day in court,” said Marchese.
As for at least one of the defendants awaiting trial, Pete Santilli’s attorney, Chris Rasmussen, has filed a motion for pre-trial release.
Sadly, I can tell you they aren’t going to grant it. They haven’t done so thus far. There’s no way the government is going to give an inch here. It has too much to lose.