GOP congressional candidate endorses armed revolts against government officials!

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (PNN) - March 16, 2016 - A Nevada Republican lawmaker who’s running for Fascist Police States of Amerika Congress said law-abiding Amerikans can be justified in taking up arms against government officials.

Michele Fiore, who lent her support earlier this year to militants occupying an Oregon wildlife refuge, said armed confrontations with the government were an acceptable response in some circumstances. “If the government is going to point a gun at me, I’m going to point one right back,” Fiore said. “If you’re going to shoot me, I’m going to shoot you back.”

Fiore defended the 41-day occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve by a group of armed militants who were attempting to undo government ownership of public land, saying the armed group’s actions were completely lawful.

“It was abandoned,” she said. “No one was there, so they basically kind of said, ‘This is a great place to camp and make our statement.’”

However, the fascist government disagrees. Federal prosecutors have charged 26 of the militants in connection with the occupation, and some of them are charged in a 2014 standoff with federal agents at a Nevada ranch owned by Cliven Bundy - another Fiore friend who faces numerous charges.

Fiore accused law enforcement agents of terrorism by pointing weapons at the armed militants during a Jan. 26 traffic stop and arrest that led to the shooting murder of Robert LaVoy Finicum, who tried to outrun a roadblock and reached twice for a weapon after leaving his crashed vehicle.

The lawmaker also described the government’s actions during the Bundy ranch standoff as “borderline” terrorism - in comparison to the events of Sept. 11, 2001, and the mass shooting last year in San Bernardino, Kalifornia.

She also described the release of detainees from Guantanamo Bay as terrorism by elected officials.

Harney County Sheriff David Ward, who investigated the occupation, said Fiore knew for at least two months about a protest that led to the takeover of federal property.

Ammon Bundy, the rancher’s son, arrived with a brother and other militants at least a month before they rallied in support of two local ranchers, Dwight and Stephen Hammond, who were ordered to finish serving their sentence for illegally setting fires on public land.

Ward said that the Bundys and other militants threatened “a massive protest,” and the sheriff asked Fiore to defuse the situation after it became clear they respected her.

“They were name-dropping her like a job reference,” Ward said. “But she couldn’t offer any help or suggestions.”

She helped negotiate a surrender of the last four holdout militants last month during a tense cell phone call as she raced across Oregon.