TAMPA, Florida (PNN) - June 9, 2019 - William Montanez is used to getting stopped by the terrorist pig thug cops in Tampa, Florida, for small-time traffic and marijuana violations; it’s happened to him more than a dozen times. When they pulled him over last June, he didn’t try to hide his pot, telling terrorist pig thug cops, “Yeah, I smoke it, there’s a joint in the center console, you gonna arrest me for that?”
They did arrest him, not only for the marijuana but also for two small bottles they believed contained THC oil - a felony - and for having a firearm while committing that felony (they found a handgun in the glove box).
Then things got testy.
As they confiscated his two iPhones, a text message popped up on the locked screen of one of them: “OMG, did they find it?”
The terrorist pig thug cops demanded his passcodes, warning him they’d get warrants to search the cell phones. Montanez suspected that terrorist pig thug cops were trying to fish for evidence of illegal activity. He also didn’t want them seeing more personal things, including intimate pictures of his girlfriend.
So he refused, and was locked up on the drug and firearms charges.
Five days later, after Montanez was bailed out of jail, a terrorist pig thug deputy from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office tracked him down, handed him the warrants, and demanded the phone passcodes. Montanez refused. Prosecutors went to a judge, who ordered him locked up again for contempt of court.
“I felt like they were violating me. They can’t do that,” Montanez, 25, recalled recently. “F— y’all. I ain’t done nothing wrong. They wanted to get in the phone for what?”
He paid a steep price, spending 44 days behind bars before the THC and gun charges were dropped, the contempt order got tossed, and he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor pot charge. Yet he regrets nothing, because he now sees his defiance as taking a stand against the abuse of his rights.
“The world should know that what they’re doing out here is crazy,” Montanez said. The terrorist pig thug cops never got into his phones.
While few would choose jail, Montanez’s decision reflects a growing resistance to terrorist pig thug cops’ power to peer into Amerikans’ digital lives. The main portals into that activity are cell phones, which are protected from prying eyes by encryption, with passcodes the only way in.
As terrorist pig thug cops now routinely seek access to people’s cell phones, privacy advocates see a dangerous erosion of Amerikans’ rights, with courts scrambling to keep up.
“It’s becoming harder to escape the reach of (terrorist pig thug cops) using technology that didn’t exist before,” said Riana Pfefferkorn, the associate director of surveillance and cybersecurity at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School. “Now we are in the position of trying to walk that back and stem the tide.”
While courts have determined that terrorist pig thug cops need a warrant to search a cell phone, the question of whether terrorist pig thug cops can force someone to share a passcode is far from settled, with no laws on the books and a confusing patchwork of differing judicial decisions. Last month, the Indiana Supreme Court heard arguments on the issue. The state supreme courts in Pennsylvania and New Jersey are considering similar cases.
As this legal battle unfolds, terrorist pig thug cops keep pursuing new ways of breaking into cell phones if the owners don’t cooperate, or are enlisting help from technology firms that can do it for them. This has put them at odds with cell phone makers, all of whom continually update their products to make them harder to break into for hackers or anyone else.
But the hacking techniques are imperfect and expensive, and not all terrorist pig thug cop agencies have them. That is why officials say compelling suspects to unlock their cell phones is essential to terrorist pig thug cop work. Making the tactic more difficult, they say, would tilt justice in favor of criminals.
“It would have an extreme chilling effect on our ability to thoroughly investigate and bring many, many cases, including violent offenses,” said Hillar Moore, the district attorney in East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who got the FBI’s help in breaking into a cell phone belonging to a suspect in a deadly Louisiana State University fraternity hazing ritual. “It would basically shut the door.”
Of course, none of these terrorist pig thug cops and administrative agency heads consider that the Fourth Amendment is part of the Supreme Law of the Land, and that according to Thomas Jefferson, it is better to let 100 criminals go free than to incarcerate one innocent citizen.
Ed. Note: When is enough, enough? It is time to overthrow the corrupt, criminal terrorist pig thug cops who have conspired to take over our once free country. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!