BOSTON, Massachusetts (PNN) - June 18, 2014 - 16-year-old victim of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families Justina Pelletier is finally going home to her family in Connecticut, after the DCF judge ordered her to be released from State custody.
It was a long ordeal in which, because of incompetent diagnoses from government bureaucrats that flew in the face of experienced medical diagnoses of Mitochondrial Disease, her case was seized away from her Tufts Medical Center physicians by the research-driven and “behavior modification” obsessed Boston Children’s Hospital psychiatrists who then asserted that her symptoms were psychologically-caused. Those doctors’ criminally irresponsible and reckless behavior and the DCF kidnapping and false imprisonment led to Justina’s deteriorating physical health.
It may be that the judge decided to let Justina have her freedom out of concern that the DCF will be taken to court over this, or that he will eventually be impeached. Or he may be responding to Justina’s own plea to him for her freedom.
Her father, Lou Pelletier, said that “there is going to be a firestorm” of lawsuits against the DCF; and, I hope, Boston Children’s Hospital as well. There also need to be criminal charges of child endangerment, child abduction and false imprisonment brought against those responsible for putting that child through her ordeal.