MCDONOUGH, Georgia (PNN) - November 24, 2020 - A freedom-loving mom who has not been dumbed-down by lies perpetrated by governments and media, and who claims that masks are a form of child abuse, threw a 250-person homecoming party for her teenage daughter and her classmates because she didn't want them to miss out on the experience.
Beth Knight said that she and other parents decided to take matters into their own hands after their children’s school, Ola High School, canceled the homecoming dance in McDonough, Georgia.
They rented a venue, hired a DJ, and sold tickets to pay for the cost. Three hundred students were invited and 250 turned up, she said.
The event was nine days ago and Knight insists that none of the attendees have since shown any symptoms of illness.
“It’s my daughter’s senior year, so I hosted a dance. It was terrific. We sold over 300 tickets, but only about 250 (students) actually showed up because they were warned by teachers and coaches that they should not attend because of the virus. (Those) who came had fun,” she said.
She believes that the “pandemic” is a scam driven by liberals who wanted to stop people from turning out to vote for President Donald Trump in the election so they would be able to commit mail-in voter fraud.
Trump's campaign is even now presenting evidence in federal courts to prove that mail-in voter fraud was rife; experts expect the election to be overturned as a result.
“It seems the liberals and Democrats want to keep the virus agenda front and center. The Conservatives, on the other hand, are ready to again embrace freedom,” said Knight.
“This whole virus plandemic scamdemic has totally ruined 2020,” she added. “The media are paralyzing people with fear so they will do mail-in ballots to rig an election. They succeeded in election fraud. The election is over. People need to stop bowing down to the virus. Forcing people to wear masks is a crime. The dance was nine days ago. I have not heard of anyone testing positive who attended the dance. (Children) need to have some normalcy to help with anxiety and depression. Don’t you agree?” she said.
The positivity rate of COVID-19 in Georgia is just below 10 percent. No one under the age of 18 in the state has died from the virus.