SILICON VALLEY, Kalifornia (PNN) - August 11, 2018 - In early Amerika many cities had town squares in which citizens could stand on soapboxes and shout out various messages. Our First Amendment protects such speech.
The Internet is today’s town square. The soapboxes are social media.
The Deep State and the left are intertwined with Silicon Valley. The CIA helped Google and Facebook get started. Why? To make it easier to spy on people. Over time, millions gravitated toward Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Conservative and Libertarian voices became very strong and that alarmed the Deep State. So they began demonetizing conservatives. Then they shadow-banned them. Now they are deleting them outright.
For many years, Alex Jones reached millions with his journalism and rants. His tirades helped awaken people. He yelled at us about the Deep State, including the corrupt security agencies, the Bohemian Grove, the CFR, the Bilderbergs, fluoride in our water, the lies about 9-11, and yes, even Sandy Hook. The latter had many anomalies that should be questioned. Alex Jones brought all of this up and more before anyone else had an inkling about what was really going on with such matters. He was routinely dismissed as a conspiracy theorist by the establishment.
However, much of what he has been saying over the years is now acknowledged as self-evident. The legacy media, the Deep State, and Silicon Valley could not stomach the fact that he was informing and influencing minds and elections. They all got together and confiscated his soapbox. Their lame excuse? They claimed he was a purveyor of hate speech.
Alex Jones has never engaged in hate speech. Questioning climate change is not hate speech. Jones is not a racist, a bigot, or any of the other phobic names the Left enjoy pinning on ideological opponents. Hate speech sounds alarming and terrible, but it’s also vague. Who gets to decide what it is?
The Supreme Court ruled it was legal speech, but apparently the Silicon Valley and Deep State commissars want to overrule that decision. They own their social media game and they’ve rigged it in their favor. They have all the money in the world, so they can afford to lose revenue from the millions of conservatives and libertarians they’re forcing out of the game. They can’t win the argument, so they’re resorting to censorship.
Censorship is what China does, and companies like Facebook and Apple are eager to please the Communist oligarchs. The Deep State wants what President Xi enjoys - a rigged Internet that does not allow dissent or criticism of the political elite. Right now, even Winnie the Pooh is being banned in China. Why? Because Xi opponents in China were using the cartoon bear as a meme to criticize their leader. Remember, conservatives greatly out-memed the Left during the last presidential election. Hillary Clinton is no doubt very angry that we have the ability to meme and ridicule her pomposity. She once said that the Internet needs an editor. She would welcome a Chinese-style, well-censored Internet that she and her ilk would control.
The leftist media have dominated Amerikan minds for decades. The lies they told were readily accepted as facts. That kind of mind control is no longer working for them, thanks to the Internet. We know their “Russia collusion” narrative is bunk. We’re not going along, so now they want to force us to go along and if we don’t, we get banned as haters.
It will get worse. PayPal is already banning users who are being smeared as “haters”. The Left will make that tactic seem fashionable, so it’s only a matter of time before banks get in on the act. Maybe even the Bezos-owned Amazon?
What can we do? Many think conservatives should develop their own social media. That is no easy task and we will receive no generous funding from the Deep State to do it. What we should not do is ask government to regulate social media. That would only add bureaucracy and regulations on free speech and if the Left regains political control, they will use it to their advantage. Just like they used the IRS to harass conservatives.
The only thing we can do now is keep our cool and let the leftist oligarchs play their game and reveal themselves for who they are; tyrants who want control over our minds via their game of Monopoly.