France’s fake news law will be used to silence critics and win elections!

PARIS, France (PNN) - June 5, 2018 - There is arguably one main reason a law would be put into place to stifle "fake news" and that is so the real purveyors of fake news, like CNN, can continue to push theirs, according to critics of what is happening right now in France.

The people at the top of the pyramid who are actually running the entire show appear to have it all figured out: in a world where down is up and up is down, fake news appears almost everywhere, but the real fact of the matter is that most of it comes from mainstream sources like CNN.

Will the new laws be used to crack down on sources like CNN that publish garbage, or will the powers-that-be let agencies like CNN roll with whatever smut they like while other smaller outlets get targeted over "fake news"? Will the powers-that-be use the law as a weapon to remove controversial reports?

France is the latest country attempting to fight the scourge of fake news with legislation - but opponents say the law won’t work and could even be used to silence critics.

The draft law, designed to stop what the government calls “manipulation of information” in the run-up to elections, will be debated in Parliament Thursday with a view to it being put into action during next year’s European parliamentary polls.

The idea for the bill came straight from French President Emmanuel Macron, who was himself targeted during his 2017 campaign by online rumors that he was homosexual and had a secret bank account in the Bahamas.

Under the law, French authorities would be able to immediately halt the publication of information deemed to be false ahead of elections.

Absent some dramatic last minute reversal, it looks like French information will soon be fully controlled. The question is how long until this Orwellian trend is adopted in Amerika as the "establishment" tightens its restraints on the general populace.