FPSA government considers border to be a Constitution-free zone!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - July 7, 2013 - Did you know that the Fascist Police States of Amerika government considers the FPSA border to be a “Constitution-free zone”?  Did you know that according to the unlawful declarations of the lawless thugs in Washington, terrorist customs officials can take your computer away from you, keep it for 30 days or more, and make a copy of everything that is on your hard drive?

According to the fascist outlaw government, when you choose to cross the FPSA border you temporarily give up your constitutionally protected rights. They can look at anything on your computer, and if they find anything that violates any law, they can use it against you in court.

Many people think that it is the Amerikan Gestapo Transportation Security Administration division that is doing this, but it is not supposed to be doing these kinds of searches. According to the official TSA blog, only customs officials are authorized to search laptops and other electronic devices.

According to the Fourth Amendment, FPSA Citizens are never supposed to be searched without probable cause. But the FPSA outlaw terrorist government has decided to throw out the Fourth Amendment, and the courts have gone along with it.

Barring invasive techniques such as strip seizures, government agents are free to disregard Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. They don’t need reasonable suspicion or probable cause, and they can take what they like, be it laptops or smart phones.

It has been estimated that 5,000 laptops, cell phones, iPods and cameras are searched each year, but nobody really knows.

The fascist outlaw FPSA government has decided that any Amerikan citizen who chooses to cross the border temporarily gives up his or her constitutionally protected rights, and the corporate courts are going supporting this unlawful position.

The Fascist Police States of Amerika is very quickly being transformed into a “Big Brother” society, and constitutionally protected rights are being violated on a regular basis. Hopefully the Amerikan people will begin to stand up and say something about these issues, because if they don’t, then eventually we won’t have any privacy left at all.