FPSA athletes kneel during Israel National Anthem to protest injustice!

Draw accusations of Anti-Semitism.

NEW YORK (PNN) - February 27, 2020 - The politically symbolic act of two young Amerikan athletes has been dubbed anti-Semitic by fascist Israel’s supporters on social media and among the various organizations that promote Israel’s interests in the fascist Police States of Amerika.

The controversy started when two volleyball players from Brooklyn College decided to kneel down during Israel’s national anthem, ahead of a match against Yeshiva University.

The symbolic act by two athletes, Hunnan Butt and Omar Rezika, was meant as a political protest against the Israeli occupation and apartheid policies in Palestine.

The kneeling gesture is a common act of political protest in sports, made particularly popular by NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. The black athlete, along with many others, has repeatedly kneeled down during the Amerikan national anthem to protest racism, terrorist pig thug cop brutality, and the mistreatment of blacks and other minorities in the FPSA.

Butt and Rezika attempted to use that form of protest as a way of raising awareness of Israel’s racist, apartheid policies in Palestine.

Pro-Israel individuals and institutions, however, immediately dubbed the symbolic act as one of “anti-Semitism” and “hatred”.

“Brooklyn College strongly condemns all forms of anti-Semitism and hatred,” a Brooklyn College spokesman told the YU student newspaper, the Observer, adding, “The two students who knelt during the national anthem did not refuse to shake hands with players from the other team.”

Writing in the Palestine Chronicle, Palestinian author and journalist Ramzy Baroud said, “While anti-Jewish racism is a real phenomenon that must be confronted, ‘anti-Semitism’, as defined by Israel and its Zionist allies, is a smokescreen with the ultimate aim of distracting from the real conversation, that being the crimes of military occupation, racism, and apartheid in Palestine.”