Florida congressman proposes fascist mandatory vaccination law!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - July 23, 2015 - A Fascist Police States of Amerika congresswoman from Florida, Frederica S. Wilson, from the state's 24th district, has just introduced legislation, House Resolution 2232, that, if passed and signed into law, would mandate that all states require all students enrolled in public schools to be vaccinated with all vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Policy (ACIP), a federal entity comprised chiefly of vaccine industry representatives (Big Pharma). The bill calls for children to be vaccinated specifically against HPV, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Paul Offit's rotavirus vaccine, annual flu shots and dozens of others.

Any state that doesn't comply would be held financially hostage to federal funding. No grants for "preventative health services" under the Public Health Services Act (which, in its original form, does not contain provisions requiring that children be vaccinated or federal funding would be withheld).

Wilson's bill, if passed, would for the first time establish a federal vaccination requirement to attend school. Current vaccines policies are set by the states, but with the increasing federal control over schools with No Child Left Behind and Common Core, Wilson's bill may be an indicator of what is coming.

This bill would also deliver to the vaccine industry two of its primary goals: completely removing any parental involvement in vaccine decisions for their children, and requiring the entire ACIP schedule, which no state currently does.

As in the recently enacted SB.277 in Kalifornia, the Wilson legislation would remove all objections from parents for religious, secular, or philosophical reasons. Medical exceptions would be rare and only allowed via the faceless bureaucracy; a physician would have to submit a letter "demonstrating (to the satisfaction of the individual in charge of the health program at the student's school) that the physician's opinion conforms to the accepted standard of medical care."

That "accepted standard" is, of course, whatever the federal bureaucracy proclaims it to be, much of which will further depend on the political tendencies of the president to which said bureaucracy answers.

What's more, the approving authority at the child's school most likely would not be a physician, so that part of the Wilson bill most definitely permits the overriding of the physician's judgment by anyone who merely disagrees with the exemption, regardless of the person's credentials and qualifications. He or she wouldn't even be required to examine the child or see the child's medical records before overriding the doctor.

Wilson is a Democrat in a FPSA House that is currently dominated by a large Republican majority, so there is not much chance her bill will pass. As of this report, it did not have any co-sponsors. But given the trend of mandatory vaccination around the country, you can probably expect similar national legislation in the future, so parents should begin preparing now how best to defend their rights and their own children.

"This would be an unprecedented expansion of the federal government into an area of law and policy long recognized as the preserve of the states," the Autism Action Network reported - very similar to federal intrusion regarding the traditional role of states defining marriage and outlawing abortion. "The bill would allow anyone, without any medical training, to override the medical decision of a physician."

The legislation also ignores the bedrock Amerikan principle of informed choice regarding ethical medical procedures, and violates the ethical code of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which requires that vaccines should only be given to children whose parents have provided their informed consent.

Currently, 48 states allow religious exemptions to vaccines, and 19 states - containing more than half of the FPSA population - also allow for secular objections.