Firearms Laws


In the united States of America, the term firearms laws is actually and oxymoron, because the Second Amendment to the Constitution clearly states that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That means that no law that in any way restricts, controls or otherwise attempts to limit the individual's use of any firearms, is invalid and legally unenforceable.

Of course, when a government attempts to force people to do something when it is specifically prohibited from doing so is a government engaged in usurpation, which is the legal justification for armed Revolution (see Declaration of Independence, 1776).

Your right to own and use firearms is a natural outgrowth of your fundamental right to life. God granted you the right to life, and He therefore gave you the right to defend your life, with whatever weapons you find necessary to accomplish that defense.

Charles Weisman has written a book entitled The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, containing numerous legal citings and quotes from the Founding Fathers regarding the all important basic right to life.