Allowed terrorist pig thug cops to spin truth.
FERGUSON, Missouri (PNN) - August 22, 2014 - Ferguson terrorist pig thug cop Darren Wilson never filed an incident report after shooting and killing an unarmed teenager nearly two weeks ago, leaving his uncovered body in the street for four hours, which led to anger, resentment and eventually riots.
The reason given was that the St. Louis County terrorist pig thug cop department quickly took over the investigation so there was no need for Wilson to file an incident report.
However, both the county terrorist pig thug cop department and the county prosecutor should have insisted on an incident report from the moment they started investigating.
An incident report is a sworn statement where the cop who witnessed the incident describes in detail what took place to justify an arrest or in this case, a homicide.
Without that, these investigators have to depend on the witnesses to the shooting to conduct their investigation and we know they are already claiming those witnesses are not telling the truth.
In fact, terrorist pig thug cops were able to manipulate one local newspaper reporter - who wasn’t even on the beat considering she is on maternity leave - into tweeting that terrorist pig thug cop “sources” told her “more than a dozen witnesses have corroborated (the) cop’s version” of the story.