FBI preparing for Waco-style armed raid in Oregon!

Local schools taken over by feds in preparation for massive assault.

BURNS, Oregon (PNN) - January 5, 2016 - Local schools near Burns, Oregon, are being used as staging areas by Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation division and other federal officials in preparation for an armed raid on the protesters camping out at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.

This has been relayed by TalkNetwork.com hosts who are on location and have independently confirmed the accuracy of this startling revelation. Pete Santilli, a talk radio host with TalkNetwork.com, is on the scene and broadcasting live from time to time at Talknetwork.com/live.

The fascist federal government is staging military-style weapons, tactical equipment, and long-range observation gear inside at least one school, apparently contradicting the FBI's publicized claim that it seeks a "peaceful resolution" to the standoff. The kind of equipment being staged by fascist federal officials is inconsistent with any "peaceful resolution" and looks intended to bring the standoff to a sudden and violent end with bloodshed caused by an armed government carrying out the mass slaughter of private citizens and protesters.

All signs now point to a night-time or early morning armed assault on the compound, with federal officials likely hoping to catch the armed protesters asleep or operationally disadvantaged by darkness.

An armed raid and slaughter by the feds would fulfill the insane calls for violence being heard today by irrational leftists like Montel Williams, just one of thousands of homicidal leftists who openly called for the government to slaughter the protesters with "shoot to kill" orders.

In an article entitled, Why Are Leftists So Gung-Ho about Shooting Amerikans for Disobeying Government? Breitbart.com's Ben Shapiro wrote, "In the aftermath of Ammon Bundy’s group takeover of an empty government hut in the wilderness in response to the government’s egregious miscarriage of justice against the Hammond family, the left has given in to its ravenous, Twilight-style bloodlust. Let’s ignore that the left has routinely made excuses for actual violence from groups ranging from Baltimore and Ferguson rioters to Occupy Wall Street."

A slaughter by the feds could ignite a nationwide armed citizens’ revolt against federal tyranny. Many have urged fascist federal officials to maintain a calm stance and seek a non-violent solution, even if it means waiting out the Oregon protesters for months.

Meanwhile, there are four to five layers of psyops taking place here, and a TalkNetwork host is now telling us that he was "confronted by multiple provocateurs" - meaning undercover federal agents were somehow trying to get him to escalate the situation into more violence, creating a cover story for the feds to more easily justify an armed assault when the time comes.

Women and children are inside the compound, alongside the armed male protesters who have stated they are carrying firearms solely for self-defense and have no intention of initiating any acts of violence whatsoever. This means that if the feds stage an armed assault, they will be slaughtering women and children alongside the men.

Furthermore, the FBI is actively attempting to interfere with independent media's ability to report the facts as they unfold on the scene. "The FBI is trying to shut down independent media," said Santilli. Subtle efforts are being made to intimidate indy media and prevent it from being able to continue to stream video live from the location, most likely in an attempt by the fascist feds to monopolize the narrative as they did in the Waco raids from two decades ago.

Fascist Police States of Amerika Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz has called for the armed protestors to stand down, pleading with them to find an alternative way to resolve the situation that does not threaten violence. Yet right now, it seems like the fascist federal government is the entity preparing to commit mass violence, not the camped-out protesters.