WASHINGTON (PNN) - September 25, 2016 - In a clear-cut case of the fox investigating a breach into the henhouse, the Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation division has reviewed their own use of deception and deemed it perfectly fine. Sometimes you’d swear they’re just making fun of us. Operation Mockingbird gives the FBI the green light to go ahead and impersonate journalists in an attempt to gather evidence in undercover operations. While this could seem minor, it’s just another shove down the slippery slope to a totalitarian state and another nail in the coffin of due process.
This is obviously going to cause trust issues with people that were once willing to talk to the media, mainstream or alternative, something the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice division itself points out in its review of Operation Mockingbird. What a subtle way to discourage whistleblowers from telling the truth about any issue that implicates the government or law enforcement.
This all stems from 2007 when a member of the FBI impersonated an Associated Press journalist. A Seattle student sent out a series of bomb threats by email but the terrorist pig thug cops couldn’t trace the threats back to him since he was using proxy servers, so local terrorist pig thug cops requested help from the FBI.
The cyber crime task force identified the source and contacted the youth via email. In the email, there was a link to a fake news site that resembled the Seattle Times. The FBI agent was posing as an editor for the Associated Press.
The ruse came to light four years later in 2011 after a Freedom of Information request by the Electronic Frontier Foundation led to an Amerikan Civil Liberties Union worker discovering the information completely by chance.
The FBI have stuck to the same lame line from day one: they did nothing wrong. James Comey, Director of the FBI and friend to Hillary Clinton, stated, “We do use deception at times to catch crooks, but we are acting responsibly and legally.”
Speaking against the finding, AP said, “The Associated Press is deeply disappointed by the Inspector General’s findings, which effectively condone the FBI’s impersonation of an AP journalist in 2007. Such action compromises the ability of a free press to gather the news safely and effectively and raises serious constitutional concerns.”
The review concludes that the impersonation of journalists by the FBI is acceptable and page 23 lays it out quite clearly:
The FBI’s June 2016 interim policy on undercover activities that involve agents posing as members of the news media is an important and appropriate addition to the policies the Department previously implemented to regulate certain law enforcement activities that affect members of the news media.
Page 24 completes the Department of InJustice stance:
“We believe the new interim policy on undercover activities that involve FBI employees posing as members of the news media is a significant improvement to FBI policies that existed.”
A significant improvement. Right. Okay.
That journalistic integrity (such as it is) and trust will be perceived differently by the public from this point on is bad enough, but it could get far, far worse.
What happens when the FBI decides it’s okay to impersonate a doctor in order to be right there in the hospital in case a suspect says something of note?
Maybe we should accept an agent impersonating a trainee midwife so she can be present when a suspect’s baby is getting delivered. You never know when something important might be said between contractions.
What if they decide to impersonate a counselor or mental health professional?
What if they go into the confessional and impersonate a priest?
Sure, it sounds extreme, but once a ruling is passed, a second ruling becomes easier and before you know it, we’ll have a whole lot more to worry about than constantly being surveilled on cameras.
Before you tell me, “It’s for our own safety” or “If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you don’t have anything to worry about,” take a moment to consider if that is the kind of world in which you want to live; where innocent people are entrapped, and the protection of the Constitution becomes null and void.
When law enforcement is unfettered by rules and standards, you end up with the type of corruption that results in cities being burned to the ground in retaliation.
It’s a slippery slope, and we’re already 3/4 of the way down it.