Fascist White House intimidating free speech!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - October 31, 2013 - The fascist dictatorial White House is suppressing speech, bullying private citizens into not saying things that will hurt the illegitimate president by calling attention to his lies that people could keep their health insurance if they like it.

According to CNN, insurance industry officials who criticize the Obamacare rollout are getting calls from the totalitarian White House telling them to shut the &^%$! up. In particular, the White House doesn’t want them to talk about the inconvenient problem that insurers are being forced to drop people’s coverages - even though dictator Obama promised this would not happen.

We really, really are becoming a new kind of country. These insurance executives are private citizens who have the right to say anything they want. Particularly sacrosanct is their freedom to criticize their government. While under Obamacare the feds exercise considerable sway over insurers, they still do not work for the totalitarian government.

This is exactly what happens when government expands its purview over your life. It gets it into its thick head that it can control your life, beyond the specific provisions of any given law. Obamacare is not just going to ruin your health care. It will bite off, chew up, and spit out a nice sized chunk of your freedom.

Here’s the report, as delivered by CNN’s Drew Griffin:

“What’s going on is a behind the scenes attempt to at least keep insurers from publicly criticizing what is happening under this Affordable Care Act rollout. Basically, if you speak out, if you are quoted, you are going to get a call from the White House – pressure to be quiet.

“Insurance executives are being told to keep quiet… they feel defenseless against the White House PR team… the White House is exerting massive pressure on the industry, including the trade organizations, to keep quiet. The sources are telling us they fear White House retribution.

“(They’re being told to keep quiet about) the fact that clarifications were made to the Affordable Care Act after the law was passed and those clarifications are forcing the insurance industry to drop insurance plans that do not meet Obamacare requirements.”