Fascist State assumes permanent custody of child because parents cured him naturally!

TAMPA, Florida (PNN) - September 12, 2019 - A Florida judge has officially ruled that the State, and not parents, represents the ultimate authority when it comes to making medical decisions for children.

Noah McAdams, age four, will now be forced by the fascist State of Florida to continue receiving the toxic chemotherapy treatments that his parents wanted to cease because they were killing him.

Joshua McAdams and Taylor Bland-Ball, Noah’s parents, believing themselves to be free Amerikans, tried to opt for an alternative regimen of cannabis oil, high-density nutrition, and alkalized water for their child. But the fascist State ultimately said no, declaring that they either had to obey the government’s commands or else have little Noah taken from them.

Because Noah’s parents stood their ground and tried to fight against the fascist State’s mandate that they administer chemotherapy to their son, Noah has now been permanently taken from his parents by the fascist State of Florida, where freedom of health choice no longer exists.

Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Thomas N. Palermo issued a decree not only overruling the wishes of Noah’s parents, but also mandating that he be permanently removed from their care in order to ensure that he continues to receive chemo poisons.

In Judge Palermo’s ruling, he declared that allowing Noah to once again live with his parents would put him at a “substantial risk of imminent neglect.” That’s because anything other than chemotherapy for little Noah is not acceptable in Florida, including cannabis oil, which continues to remain prohibited from the package of “freedoms” afforded to Amerikan southerners.

Amazingly, Judge Palermo’s ruling came after Noah’s parents had already reluctantly agreed to more chemo treatments, which the fascist State of Florida had previously demanded for Noah.

Despite their compliance, Judge Palermo still decided to play the tyrant - just like many fascist politicians are notorious for doing whenever any part of the “herd” tries to break ranks. He delivered the harshest punishment possible, in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, presumably to send the message to other Florida parents that if you reject Big Pharma’s patented prescriptions for disease, then prepare to have your children stolen from you.

“Noah belongs at home with his parents,” lamented Brooke Elvington, the lawyer representing Noah’s parents.

What’s further ironic about this case is Judge Palermo’s contention that Noah was being deprived of his lifesaving medicine, which was made not long after the same fascist State of Florida arrested an elderly woman at Disney World for having CBD oil on her person - CBD oil being her lifesaving medicine.

You see, in much of the Fascist Police States of Amerika, your freedoms cease where special interests begin. When it comes to Big Pharma, that’s really the only form of acceptable medicine in the south, including in Florida where natural plant extracts from cannabis are a “crime” that, should you dare to try to use them, will ruin your life and possibly result in your children being taken away from you by Big Brother.

“These parents started with chemo, but saw no progress and a (child) who was sicker than when they started,” wrote a commenter for the Tampa Bay Times about this tyranny.

“They didn’t just miss the appointments, they informed his doctors that they would not be continuing, told the doctors where they would be and what they would be trying, and were found exactly where they said they’d be. Most importantly - it worked. When the child was brought back and tested the cancer was gone. He is now being court ordered to undergo chemo for cancer he no longer has as a preventative measure,” said the commenter.

“They succeeded in healing their child, but because the means they used went against conventional (for profit) wisdom they are being punished,” this same commenter added.

Ed. Note: If your children are your most precious resource then wouldn’t you do anything to protect them? It is time for Noah’s parents to take direct, and if necessary, violent action to retrieve their child from the unscrupulous hands of the fascist State. It is way past time to overthrow the fascist pigs that have usurped authority and taken over our once free country. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!