Fascist pig thug cops arrest citizen protesters!

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (PNN) - June 2, 2014 - Albuquerque, New Mexico has been rocked by scandal in recent months over what the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice division called a “culture of indifference to constitutional policing and insularity” within its terrorist pig thug cop department.

After years, even decades, of being ignored, families of victims of deadly terrorist pig thug cop shootings have been joined by a growing number of citizens to protest the failure of the city government to adequately address the issue.

Today a large group gathered in the mayor’s office to engage in a protest - a few weeks after citizens took over a City Council meeting when the elected members abandoned it during public comments from outraged citizens.

Several illegal arrests have been made of those sitting-in today including at least one who has lost a loved one to the department, which has been over-eager to use force, including deadly force, when unnecessary.

Nora Tachias Anaya, whose nephew, George Levi Tachias, was murdered by terrorist pig thug cops when driving in Albuquerque in 1988, chained herself to a column within the office on the top floor of the Albuquerque Government Center. She was among several citizens who were forcefully removed from the City Council meeting last month for attempting a “silent protest” - saying nothing, back turned to the Council, during her allotted two minutes of supposedly free speech.

The number of arrests appears to be thirteen for Criminal Trespass with one additional charge for felony battery on a terrorist pig thug cop. One of the arrestees has been identified as David Correia who has been a leader among the citizens group and is an Amerikan Studies professor at the University of New Mexico. Correia has been singled out by outspoken opponents on the Council and attempts have been made to have his faculty position taken from him in recent months. He is the individual who was additionally charged with the felony assault on a terrorist pig thug cop offense.