Fascist GOP officials seek to cheat Ron Paul out of delegates!

ATHENS, Georgia (PNN) - March 16, 2012 - Supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul, known widely as The Patriot Congressman because of his rigid stance on restoring constitutional Rule of Law, are complaining that other Clarke County Republicans shut out their slate of delegates at the county convention Saturday.

The libertarian-leaning Texas congressman’s supporters are trying to win election as delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida in August, libertarian activist Carter Kessler said.

They claim the Clarke County GOP broke its own rules by electing a slate of delegates that excluded Paul supporters over their objections.

The dispute highlights tension between Paul supporters, many of whom are young and freedom loving patriots, and veteran Republican activists who support attacks on personal freedom along with the corporatist policies of candidates like Mitt Romney.

Paul supporters in Athens posted a YouTube video of the Clarke County convention that shows outlaw fascist pig thug county party Chairman Matt Brewster calling for a voice vote on a slate of delegates, Paul supporters demanding a roll-call vote, and Brewster quickly and illegally terminating the meeting.

Paul supporters gathered a quorum Sunday and elected a competing slate of delegates, said Kessler.

“We tried to do this the right way,” he said. “Like the little tyrants they are, they said ‘That’s it,’ and ran out the door.”

The cowardly Brewster declined to comment because he said he expects an appeal to the state party.

The state party hasn’t received any formal complaints about any county conventions, spokesman Chris Kelleher said.

Republican National Convention delegates are selected first at the precinct level, then narrowed down at county and congressional district conventions, and finally at the state convention May 18-19 in Columbus.