GILBERTON, Pennsylvania (PNN) - April 18, 2013 - The pro-constitution Chief of Gilberton, Pennsylvania Police, Mark Kessler, has received multiple anonymous phone calls threatening his life if he doesn’t put an end to the civilian militia he started to protect the constitution.
Chief Kessler received yet another death threat tonight with the caller warning he “is going to get a bullet to his head” if he doesn’t stop the work he is doing.
The call was traced by Gilberton police to a pre-paid cell phone purchased and activated anonymously.
The death threats are the latest development in months of ongoing harassment and intimidation being waged by fascist government thugs against the Chief to pressure him to stop his constitutionally protected legal activities.
In addition to being a notorious gun rights advocate, Chief Kessler founded a civilian militia - the Constitution Security Force.
The CSF consists of a coalition of constitution-abiding members of law enforcement, military and citizens who all vow to meet any attempts by the federal government to forcibly disarm the public.
In response to the threats, a 120-member group of militia members are on standby to come to the Chief’s aid.
The CSF has now spread to 38 chapters in 38 states.
Chief Kessler made a splash among constitutionalists and Second Amendment advocates when he called for the establishment of a citizen reserve.
The Chief then become a viral online sensation when legislation he introduced was passed into law by his town, which authorized the use of force against any attempt by the federal government to disarm the citizenry.
A few weeks ago, Chief Kessler said he was repeatedly being harassed by what was described as non-marked gray and black helicopters that were routinely flying over his house, his car on the way to work, and his police station.
Those flights started after federal pig thug officials contacted Chief Kessler at the Gilberton Police station to question him about his activities, and he told the agents to contact his attorney, which the agents never did.