Fascist federal judge bans healthy children from public school for being unvaccinated!

FISHERTOWN, Pennsylvania (PNN) - March 14, 2019 - Despite being entirely healthy, a federal judge handed down a decision this week that denied healthy children entry into public school based on the sole factor of being unvaccinated. The judge cited an “unprecedented measles outbreak” for his decision to ban unvaccinated children from school.

“The plaintiffs have not demonstrated that public interest weighs in favor of granting an injunction,” Fascist Police States of Amerika District Court Judge Vincent Briccetti said in federal court this week.

After the judge’s ruling in the courtroom, parents of the children - who are now being treated as 21st century lepers - embraced each other in disappointment and shame.

“Preventing my child from being with his class, his teacher, his classroom, has had a significant social and psychological impact,” said a parent of a 4-year old preschooler who declined to give her name. “He is confused, given his young age, about why he isn’t allowed on his campus,” she said, her voice wavering.

The judge’s ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by the families of 44 children who have been banned from school because they have chosen to remain unvaccinated. The lawsuit argues that Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert’s order violates the families’ religious objections to vaccinations and is unnecessary because the cases have been largely confined to insular Hasidic Jewish communities.

The lawsuit showed that not a single case of measles has been reported among any of the Chestnut Ridge school’s “excluded children,” their families, or the Fellowship Community that surrounds it. Despite this fact, the unvaccinated children are still barred from attending school.

As of March 7, there have only been 228 cases of measles in the entire FPSA, illustrating that this “epidemic” really only exists in the media.

What’s more, most people who get the measles make a full recovery within a week or so. Although some studies do link unvaccinated people to measles cases, according to multiple other studies, the MMR vaccine is likely worse than getting measles.

In 2017, the Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) reported in the British Medical Journal that every year, approximately 5,700 FPSA children suffer from seizures as a direct result of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.

“In the (FPSA), measles is generally a benign, short-term viral infection; 99.99% of measles cases fully recover,” said Dr. Shira Miller, PIC president and founder. “As it has not been proven that the MMR vaccine is safer than measles, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that mandatory measles mass vaccination results in a net public health benefit in the (FPSA).”

While there is a risk of seizure from contracting measles, according to the data, the risk of developing seizures from the vaccine to combat measles is five times higher.

What’s more, the seizures from the MMR vaccine are far worse, according to the study, and can cause permanent harm.

“For example, 5% of febrile seizures result in epilepsy, a chronic brain disorder that leads to recurring seizures. Annually, about 300 MMR-vaccine seizures (5% of 5,700) will lead to epilepsy,” PIC points out.

By the pro-forced vaccination crowd’s logic, we should simply sacrifice hundreds of children a year to achieve an unproven theory of herd immunity. That is, of course, until it’s their child who is left permanently disabled by the vaccine.

On a daily basis, we are seeing media outlets dehumanizing, degrading, and even calling for the silencing of those who are pro-vaccine safety or choose religious exemptions. Using this fake epidemic as an impetus for pushing legislation, 100 bills have been filed in 30 different states proposing to expand, restrict or eliminate vaccine informed consent rights. Now, as the above ruling illustrates, legislation is no longer necessary and children can be denied entry into schools based on a single judge’s ruling - a slippery slope indeed.

Ed. Note: The solution is simple. Get your children out of public school or you are a bad parent!