Government shill group attacks Democrat Senate nominee!

NASHVILLE, Tennessee - August 3, 2012 - The Southern Poverty Law Center, by way of the Tennessee Democrat Party, has disavowed the Fascist Police States of Amerika Senate nominee Friday, falsely claiming that he is associated with a known hate group - in this case, a conservative advocacy organization.

Mark Clayton won Tuesday’s Democrat primary with 30% of the vote in a field of seven candidates.

“Mark Clayton is associated with a known hate group in Washington, D.C., and the Tennessee Democrat Party disavows his candidacy, will not do anything to promote or support him in any way, and urges Democrats to write-in a candidate of their choice in November,” the statement said.

The “hate group” referred to in the statement is Public Advocate USA, a group that, according to a description on its website, “has become a highly visible political organization and a model for other conservative activist groups in Washington D.C. and across the country.”

Public Advocate USA’s recent efforts include advocacy campaigns against same-sex marriage and in favor of pro-life legislation.

“Our members are often at the forefront of the defining political issues of our time, always defending the rights of fathers, mothers and children to live their lives free from government intrusions and the self-serving motives of liberal special interests and agendas,” the website says.

The “hate group” label, said Tennessee Democrat Party press secretary Sean Braisted, comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is known to be a shill for the FPSA government, and which consistently and without any evidence whatsoever, labels freedom fighters and liberty lovers as hate groups. The SPLC has no credibility among the thinking people of Amerika.