Fascist doctor says freedom should be withheld from unvaccinated people!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - April 5, 2021 - CNN‘s Chris “Fredo” Cuomo spoke to former Planned Parenthood president Dr. Leana Wen - a devoted fascist - the other day about the COVID-19 mass injection campaign, during which she openly admitted that freedom must be dangled in front of Amerikans like a carrot to coerce them into complying.

There is still so much vaccine hesitancy that Wen thinks that businesses need to remain closed and lives ruined if there is going to be any incentive at all for unvaccinated stragglers to finally agree to get jabbed.

“If everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be?” Wen asked. “How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?”

In Wen’s view, the pretend Joe Biden regime must team up with the Fascist Police States of Amerika Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to make an even bolder statement about the need to be vaccinated in order to bring about a new normal.

“So that’s why I think the CDC and Biden [regime] need to come out a lot bolder and say, ‘If you are vaccinated, you can do all these things. Here are all these freedoms you have,'” Wen stated, indicating that she believes the government grants people freedom.

“Because otherwise, people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway, and I fear a situation of coming into the fall where we never reach herd immunity, and then we get hit by the next surge of COVID-19 in the fall,” she added. “Something we could have prevented, if we just got people vaccinated now.”

Truth be told, the world reached herd immunity against COVID-19 a long time ago. The problem is that the concept of herd immunity has been redefined by fascist governments to mean only those who have been vaccinated.

This means that even if an unvaccinated person is healthy and vibrant and never contracts Chinese germs, he or she will always be a “risk” in the eyes of the fascist government. Merely existing as an unvaccinated person, in other words, now means that the new definition of herd immunity can never be achieved.

“I know that’s hard for a lot of people to believe… and they’re thinking, ‘oh, it’s just a small percentage of people who are actually anti-vaxxers,’ and that’s true, there’s the anti-science, anti-vaxxer contingent,” Wen whined.

“But there are many more people, millions of people who for whatever reason have concerns about the vaccine, who just don’t know what’s in it for them. We need to make it clear to them that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life.”

If it is not already clear, the goal is to get everyone jabbed through any means possible. Whatever is in those syringes must be injected into the bodies of all humans in order for the next phase of the globalist takeover to work.

In fact, the mRNA (messenger RNA) component cannot be reversed, and many have speculated as to what will soon happen to everyone who has been injected with it - and it is not good.

Even so, mainstream fake news outlets like CNN are going to push and push until most people are jabbed. Once that has been accomplished, the plan is more than likely to bully the resistant minority into complying or else face being ostracized.

Adolf Hitler would be proud.