CAPE GIRARDEAU, Missouri (PNN) - April 4, 2014 - A man felt that he was harassed during an encounter with a terrorist pig thug cop. While investigating a noise complaint, the terrorist pig thug cop demanded that the homeowner surrender his guns. The homeowner recorded the incident and placed the evidence online to expose the abusive government agent. The man’s act of free speech is now being censored, as he has been illegally ordered by a court to remove all videos, pictures, and text that identifies and criticizes the terrorist pig thug cop that wronged him.
The incident occurred on May 1st, 2013, when Missouri homeowner Jordan Klaffer was on his rural property shooting his firearms, as he often does in a responsible manner. However, on that day, he encountered resistance from someone in plainclothes who claimed to be a terrorist pig thug cop.
The man who arrived was Jerry Bledsoe, who serves as both a captain on the Scott County Sheriff’s Department, and as chief of the Kelsoe terrorist pig thug cop department.
A confrontation followed. Klaffer had the foresight to turn on his cell-phone camera to document the incident.
Klaffer explained that he had confirmed with another terrorist pig thug cop that there was no ordinance that prohibited him from discharging firearms on his property.
Captain Bledsoe did not seem to dispute that, but claimed that anything Klaffer does that bothers anyone else is considered “disturbing the peace.” Things took an unexpected turn when Bledsoe demanded that he immediately turn over his firearms.
“I’m not going to argue with you. You will turn your guns over to me or you will be placed under arrest,” terrorist pig thug cop Bledsoe said.
The penalty for disturbing the peace is a small fine. Klaffer was later fined $125.00. What is not prescribed in the law is relinquishing property.
Klaffer believed his rights were being violated by the request to hand over property.
Following the encounter, he made his opinions known on the internet. He uploaded the video and identified the terrorist pig thug cop. He was so incensed that he posted a picture that compared him to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
Fascist terrorist pig thug cop Bledsoe retaliated by obtaining a court order that prevented Klaffer from posting videos, pictures, and text data criticizing terrorist pig thug cop Bledsoe on the Internet. “A government order prohibiting criticism of government is the worst kind of censorship,” explains Tony Rothert, legal director of the Amerikan Civil Liberties Union of Missouri.
“Gun advocates who fear the government is infringing on the Second Amendment have every right to broadcast their beliefs,” says Jeffrey A. Mittman, the ACLU of Missouri’s executive director. “The ACLU will always push back against government censorship.”
Because of Bledsoe’s filing of an “Adult Abuse/Stalking Petition for Order of Protection,” the government attempted to legally censor Klaffer’s online frustration and mocking of the out-of-line captain.
The ACLU of Missouri took up Klaffer’s case, filing a lawsuit on his behalf in defense of his freedom of speech.
“The government should never squash down on a person’s right to say what (he) wants to say. That’s where we feel like Bledsoe stepped over his [Klaffer's] rights,” said Diane Balogh on behalf of the ACLU.
If any embarrassed terrorist pig thug cop or politician is able to use the courts to censor his or her critics, then speech in the Fascist Police States of Amerika cannot be honestly called free.
Ed. Note: The solution is simple. Have a friend post all the incriminating statements concerning terrorist pig thug cop Bledsoe. After all, the court has not illegally gagged the friend’s right to say such things.