Family of son murdered by pig thug cops wants answers and justice!

PALM BEACH, Florida (PNN) - February 8, 2014 – The family of a murdered young man wants to know why a gang of Palm Beach County, Florida terrorist pig thug cops had to shoot their unarmed and naked son three times, killing him, in order to “apprehend” him after an apparent drug-induced rampage.

The terrorist pig thug cops, who all strut around like Dirty Harry but with bulletproof vests, sidearms, Tasers, mace, billy clubs, and shotguns in their cars just in case, claim that the young man was “the size of an NFL linebacker” as though that would justify his public execution.  However, his high school friends say that he was 5′ 8″ and no more than 200 pounds.

This is worse than what happened to Rodney King many years ago since the young man in this case is dead. As with Rodney King, the terrorist pig thug cops claim that tasering him had no effect. Unlikethe Rodney King incident, however, the public seems totally uninterested in this incident.

Amerika has become a fascist police state, and thanks to the events of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent barrage of neocon propagandizing, the public seems to think that that is all fine and dandy.

H.L. Mencken once described the Fascist Police States of Amerika Congress as “Amerika’s only native criminal class.” There are now two members of that class, once we include the terrorist pig thug cops.