Facebook blocks Patriot Ron Paul citing vague community standard violations!

LAKE JACKSON, Texas (PNN) - January 11, 2021 - Facebook has blocked former Congressman Patriot Dr. Ron Paul from being able to edit his page, the former Fascist Police States of Amerika Representative noted.

On Monday, Dr. Paul reported Facebook had locked him out of his account citing vague violations of community standards.

“With no explanation other than ‘repeatedly going against our community standards,’ @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page,” the freedom-loving former congressman Tweeted.

“Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified,” said Dr. Paul.

In a follow-up post, Dr. Paul explained the only thing he’d posted to Facebook Monday was his Texas Straight Talk column, “which I have published every week since 1976.”

Several users on Twitter took issue with Big Tech bullying the former Republican presidential candidate, including Dr. Paul’s son, Senator Rand Paul (Kent.).

The latest censorship effort follows “very disturbing news” from Dr. Paul last month regarding a dubious YouTube strike on his channel for reportedly disseminating “medical misinformation” - an action that often portends channel deletion.

Facebook’s attempts to crack down on Free Speech also follow moves by the company, and its subsidiary Instagram, to shut down the pages of FPSA President Donald Trump, which prompted a larger purge of the president’s accounts throughout the Web on the heels of unruly protests at the Capitol complex in Washington, D.C. last week.