BOSTON, Massachusetts (PNN) - August 31, 2022 - A new lawsuit launched in the Fascist Police States of Amerika (FPSA) District Court for the District of Massachusetts is one of the first in the FPSA that argues that “fraud” was perpetrated on the Amerikan people during the COVID pandemic.
The lawsuit is brought by John Paul Beaudoin against Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, the public health examiner, the chief medical examiner, and additional medical examiners. It brings forth evidence that over 50 cases of deaths the state coded as COVID-19 deaths were in many cases strongly linked to recent COVID-19 vaccination.
“This Complaint is a request for injunctive relief where the source of fraudulent misrepresentation, purposely conducted, continues to harm both Plaintiff and the public,” the plaintiff argues. “As a matter of equity, third party liability should be considered. In fairness and equity, the harm must cease forthwith; and the Court has the discretion to do so pre, pending, and post-investigation of the fraud claims herein.”
“Relying on false information obtained through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and (FPSA) Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), sourced, in part, from Massachusetts Department of Public Health (“MA DPH”), Massachusetts School of Law (“MSLaw’) instituted a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for all students and staff,” the lawsuit continues. “Plaintiff, a rising second-year law student, refused the vaccination because he has four pre-existing health issues consistent with thousands of COVID-19 vaccine injuries reported to VAERS even as of April 2021. Moreover, the Plaintiff’s sincerely held religious beliefs prompted him to apply for a religious exemption offered by MSLaw. MSLaw never apprised the Plaintiff of the status of his application for a religious exemption. Rather, the only ‘status’ that the school acted on was the Plaintiff’s student status, which the school unilaterally, capriciously, and arbitrarily changed to ‘unenrolled’.”
It is at this point that a sidebar must be allowed in order to point out, once again, that the COVID “vaccines” do not prevent transmission of the virus; therefore, vaccination is solely and indisputably a matter of personal health risk, and furthermore, is a matter that should solely be at a patient’s discretion with the consultation of his or her doctor.
“Although Plaintiff is pursuing a remedy at law against MSLaw for pecuniary damages, there is no remedy at law that can undo MSLaw’s injurious acts against Plaintiff, especially in consideration of its reliance on CDC and FDA misinformation; nor is there a remedy at law, sans the relief sought in this Complaint, that will prevent another law school from exacting the same or similar vaccination requirements on Plaintiff,” the lawsuit adds. “Most, if not all, law schools require COVID-19 vaccination and do so based on the fraudulent misinformation issued by the CDC and FDA and sourced, in part, from MA DPH. Plaintiff is injured in being deprived of a legal education offered to all those who assume the risk of COVID-19 vaccination.”
“This coercion, again, is based on fraudulent misinformation originated at MA DPH and disseminated by the CDC and FDA to law schools et al,” the lawsuit further states. ”The fraudulent misinformation manifests from numerous Death Certificate records that wrongly list ‘COVID-19’ as a cause of death when, more accurately, the deceased tested positive for strands of proteins which may have been SARS-COV-2 virus at one time.”
“Specifically, numerous deaths caused by fentanyl overdose, heart attacks, cancer, and many others causes are labeled a ‘COVID-19’ death when, in fact, COVID-19 had no causal relationship to the death,” the lawsuit goes on. “All these fraudulent misrepresentations aggregate to support a false narrative that has injured Plaintiff and continues to injure society by depriving generations of people of accurate information to make an informed consent and convincing institutions to coerce people under color of law to take an experimental biological product not fully tested in humans, and one that can possibly kill them and has killed many.”
“The Plaintiff provides a sample of death certificate records along with the vaccination-to-onset time of death and the attributed causes, which have been linked in certain cases to various COVID-19 vaccines.”
“The lawsuit provides circumstantial evidence that corroborates the likely data fraud by showing excess mortality rates in the FPSA did not significantly decline despite the widespread availability of COVID vaccines in 2021.”
“Charts also show that while the all-cause and purported COVID deaths were reported to have gone down, the I-code (circulatory system deaths) and cardiac arrhythmia deaths were reported to have gone up.”
“It should again be pointed out in a sidebar here that COVID-19 itself cannot be made entirely attributable for the rise in cardiac-related deaths in 2021. Furthermore, a large population study at the Journal of Clinical Medicine published in June showed the risk of myocarditis remained elevated after the booster dose and that longer intervals between each consecutive dose (including booster doses) may decrease the occurrence of vaccine-associated myocarditis.”
The plaintiff’s argument is blunt. The state has committed COVID-19 data fraud, and many hospitals and clinicians had a financial interest in committing it.
This is one of the first lawsuits in the FPSA to directly accused state agencies of having committed fraud during the COVID pandemic. It will likely launch further inquiries into the manner that public health agencies reported COVID data during the pandemic in the public interest of holding any offending health officials accountable for knowingly and willfully misleading the Amerikan public.
If you believe that you have a claim against public health authorities, there are attorneys willing to help whistleblowers file their lawsuits against the state.