CASA GRANDE, Arizona (PNN) - November 30, 2012 - An explosive device was detonated Friday at the back door of a local Social Security Administration building.
A door in the rear and portions of the building were charred and black from the explosion, which occurred at 8:00 a.m., although the amount of damage has not been released.
Casa Grande pig thug cop and fire departments arrived on the scene, and the building was evacuated. No injuries were reported.
Ed Mouradian was at the scene after the explosion. His wife, Faith, is an employee in the building and said he got a call from one of his wife's co-workers about the explosion.
"She was crying and extremely upset," said Mouradian. "I am concerned for all the employees' well-beings. It's a small office that's very tight-knit."
The explosive device has not been identified.
Officials from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were at the scene.
The investigation has now been turned over to the FBI.