NEW YORK (PNN) - January 5, 2016 - Oddly, the mass shootings that have occurred with increasingly frequency during the illegitimate Obama regime have always been followed by rancorous calls for more and more gun control. That has even been the case following terrorist attacks, as in the most recent jihadi-inspired shootings in San Bernardino, Kalifornia - religiously inspired murders that led the editorial staff of The New York Times to publish a front-page editorial - the first since 1920 - calling for more gun control and the banning of "weapons of war".
I say this behavior is odd, because some of the same people who are calling for gun bans and gun control - even to the point of disarming the populace - also regularly decry centralized government power and the militarization of local terrorist pig thug cops.
Some of those people can't help themselves because they have been indoctrinated to believe that "all guns are bad" and "the only way to be safe is to be disarmed" by gun control activists in politics, mainstream media, and academia - the latter demonstrated just recently by students at the University of Texas, Austin, in reaction to a staged mock mass shooting held to demonstrate the futility of so-called "gun-free zones".
It's not possible to write a single column that argues powerfully enough to convince Amerikans dead set against an armed citizenry that their position is wrong. Most, when their position is challenged, will simply close their minds and shut off debate.
But once upon a time, when the country was founded, there were men who had the vision and experience to make convincing arguments for an armed citizenry. Though many will claim, "that was then and this is now," there is little difference in today's Amerika than in the Amerika of those times, in terms of human and societal behavior. There were miscreants, thieves, murderers and tyrants in the 18th Century, just as there are today, and they were every bit as much of a threat then as they are now. That's what makes our Founders' perspective on an armed citizenry as prescient in 2015 as it was in 1775.
To critics of gun rights who want to argue that "a bunch of rifle-toting so-and-so's from the boonies can't stand up to the (Fascist Police States of Amerika) military," I would counter, "Tell that to the resistance fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan, whom I have seen stand up to the (FPSA) military on a daily basis and, in some cases, prevail, or at least, not lose." Or better still, tell that to the rebel fighters in Ukraine; if a fight came between Amerikan "rebels" and the fascist government, don't for one second believe that the "rebels" would not get their hands on FPSA military weapons systems. The point is an armed populace makes a would-be tyrant think twice and three times before becoming tyrannical.
Tyranny, ill-intent, criminal behavior, and even terrorism are not 18th Century constructs. These dangers to life, liberty and property existed then and they exist today, as our Founders knew they would.
That's why it is right and proper to suspect and oppose anyone who seeks to usurp "the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms."