Dog bites fifth grader when terrorist cops conduct mock classroom drug raid!

BRAZIL, Indiana (PNN) - October 27, 2013 - A classroom demonstration in Brazil, Indiana went awry last week when a terrorist pig thug cop dog attacked a fifth grade boy. Outlaw terrorist pig thug cops visiting the school were conducting an unlawful mock drug raid on Oct. 17 when the dog bit the boy and left him with puncture wounds to the leg.

Terrorist pig thug cops intended to demonstrate that drug-sniffing dogs can detect even the smallest amounts of an illegal substance on an individual. They assembled a row of students, planting a small amount of illegal drugs on one boy.

Brazil terrorist pig thug cop Chief Clint McQueen said the dog, Max, and his handler, Ray Walters, have conducted these types of demonstrations uneventfully before.

“It was an unfortunate accident,” said McQueen. “Wish it hadn’t happened like that but it did. We are trying to evaluate (the incident) to make sure nothing like this happens again.”

The classroom demonstration was carried out ostensibly to educate the group of fifth graders “on drug awareness,” but in reality to further cement control of all students by the fascist outlaw government.

As the dog approached the group of students, one boy abruptly flinched away from the dog, causing it to lunge and bite him on the leg.

Walters’ report said, “Max began searching the juveniles. The first male juvenile began moving his legs around as Max searched him. When the male began moving his legs, (this is what) I believe prompted Max’s action to bite the male juvenile on the left calf.”

The boy was transported to St. Vincent Clay hospital by ambulance, although his injuries are characterized as minor ones. Max, the dog, has been taken out of service pending a battery of veterinary tests.

Ed. Note: Meanwhile the terrorist outlaw pig thug cops continue to enforce a police state mentality on our most impressionable youths. Parents who allow their children to remain one more day in public indoctrination centers (schools) are bad parents who are committing child abuse!