Dictator Obama seeks to ban importation of firearms accessoriesl

Illegitimate outlaw president seeking to undermine Second Amendment by Executive Order.

WASHINGTON (PNN) - April 23, 2013 - Over the course of the last month, while Amerikans were distracted by the threat of nuclear war on the Korean peninsula and the devastation wrought by the Boston bombings, illegitimate outlaw President Barack Obama was quietly working behind the scenes to craft bogus laws and regulations that would further erode the Second Amendment.

Congress, and thus We the People, may have unequivocally rejected federal legislation in March that aimed to outlaw most semi-automatic rifles, restrict magazine capacity, and force national registration, but that didn’t stop the illegitimate dictator President from ceding regulatory control over firearms importation to the United Nations just two weeks later.

What the UN Arms Trade Treaty, passed without media fanfare by 154 counties, would do is to restrict the global trade of, among other things, small arms and light weapons. Opponents of the treaty argue that loopholes within the new international framework for global gun control may make it illegal for Amerikans to purchase and import firearms manufactured outside of the United States.

However, illegitimate outlaw President Obama and his regime didn’t stop there.
Now they’re taking another significant step against Amerikans’ right to bear arms - and they’re doing it through Presidential Executive Action, a strategy that, once again, bypasses congressional oversight and the legislative process.

Just five days ago the illegitimate dictator President vowed to push forward on unconstitutional gun control without Congress and un-Amerikan Communist sympathizer Nancy Pelosi argued that no matter what Congress says, gun control is inevitable.

She was referring to this latest round of Executive Actions.

A direct attack on the Second Amendment is difficult if not impossible, so pig thug outlaw officials are trying to slither their way in through the backdoor by restricting international trade so we can’t import new firearms, by restricting access to accessories and gun parts, by heavily taxing ammunition and gun purchases, by mandating policies like forcing gun owners to have liability insurance, and of course, by identifying potentially dangerous gun owners and simply taking their firearms because of bogus public safety concerns.

The illegitimate outlaw president recently suggested that the Amerikan people have spoken, and that they want guns to be restricted, banned and heavily regulated.

If that’s so, then how is that a bipartisan Congress overwhelmingly rejected the illegitimate President’s bid to restrict and outlaw private ownership of millions of weapons and gun accessories?

Going through the United Nations and now implementing Executive Actions to bypass Amerika’s constitutionally mandated system of checks and balances is an act of desperation.

Those who would take our rights have been left with no choice but to try and force their agenda upon us through dictatorial means.