Deviant Army transgenders are now given exemption from physical fitness standards!

WASHINGTON (PNNP) - July 3, 2023 - The Fascist Police States of Amerika military is at a major crossroads - or perhaps a “cross dressing” road, to be more exact.

During the month of June, which sadly has been hijacked by the homosexual and deviant transgender community, the woke FPSA military pushed out a slew of deviant transgender propaganda, including the latest debacle involving “Rachel Jones,” the newest cross-dressing military man.

Deviant transgender people in the Army are looking pretty corpulent, meaning fat. Major Fatass… er, Jones… looks like he needs more time at boot camp.

Why is that? Well, here’s what journalist Jordan Schachtel reported.

Turns out Mr. “Rachel” won’t need to worry about things like weight standards at all. Since he identifies as a deviant transgender, Mr. “Rachel” will be exempt from such inconvenient things as staying in shape.

It’s not just deviant transgenders, of course; our military is turning into an even bigger, doughy circus more generally. In general, however, things are worse among the “diversity” hires - women, blacks, Hispanics, and deviant transgenders.

It’s not exactly clear why Amerika’s military personnel are getting fatter. It could be that 15 years of war have weakened the focus on fitness. It could be that millennials/snowflakes, with their penchant for sedentary activities like playing video games and killing time on social media, aren’t always up to the rigors of military life. It could be all the burgers, fries, cakes and pies served in chow halls around the world.

Maybe, too, the military is simply reflecting the nation’s broader population, whose poor eating habits are fueling an alarming rise in obesity rates.

This much is clear, though; today’s military is fatter than ever.

For the first time in years, The Pentagon has disclosed data indicating the number of troops it deems overweight, raising big questions about the health, fitness and readiness of today’s force.

About 7.8% of the military - roughly one in every 13 troops - is clinically overweight, defined by a body mass-index greater than 25. This rate has crept upward since 2001, when it was just 1.6%, or one in 60, according to Department of Defense data obtained by Military Times. It’s highest among women, blacks, Hispanics, and older servicemembers.

It’s evident that Mr. “Rachel” isn’t adhering to any female weight standards, that’s for sure. He enjoys the best of both worlds: calling himself a woman even though he is a man yet eating and looking like a man. The FPSA military will applaud him at every juncture, since in today’s Amerika, under the illegitimate fascist Joe Biden regime, it seems less about whether we can defend our nation and more about promoting diversity and inclusivity. Keep that in mind when our country undoubtedly struggles against foreign adversaries.