DeSantis to investigate COVID vaccine-related injuries!

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (PNN) - December 15, 2022 - During a Tuesday morning roundtable with health officials regarding COVID-19 mRNA “vaccine” accountability, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced that he will be petitioning for a statewide grand jury to investigate “any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to COVID-19 vaccines.”

“Today, I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to COVID-19 vaccines,” DeSantis announced.

We anticipate that we will get the approval for that, that will be something that will be impaneled most likely in the Tampa Bay area, and that will come with legal processes that will be able to get more information and to bring legal accountability for those who committed misconduct.

Additionally, DeSantis announced additional surveillance and research into adverse reactions to the COVID-19 “vaccines”.

“We are initiating a program here in Florida where we will be studying the incidence in surveillance of myocarditis within a few weeks of COVID-19 vaccination for people who died,” Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo said.

“This is going to be a surveillance study working with some of our medical examiners in Florida. We’re also going to be working with the University of Florida so there will be a component that has more of a research forum to it, but we will answer this question,” said Ladapo.

“It is a question that I’m sure keeps the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna up late at night hoping no one ever looks, but we’re going to look here in Florida,” added Ladapo.

Speaking in regards to the information that came about during the beginning of the nonexistent pandemic in 2020, where people were told to stay inside but George Floyd protestors were allowed to congregate in large groups, DeSantis announced a “panel of experts” who will “counteract nonsense when it’s coming out of institutions” like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“In Florida, we’re creating what we’re calling the Public Health Integrity Committee. It’s a committee of expert researchers that will be able to assess recommendations and guidance related to public health and healthcare, but particularly being able to offer critical assessments of things that bureaucracies like the FDA, CDC, and NIH are doing,” said DeSantis.