Man charged with seven felonies for handing out jury nullification fliers!

DENVER, Colorado (PNN) - August 6, 2015 - A Denver man has been charged with multiple felonies after he was caught distributing fliers to educate potential jurors about the practice of jury nullification.

56-year-old Mark Iannicelli set up a small booth with a sign reading “Juror Info” outside the Lindsay-Flanigan Courthouse in Denver last week. The Denver District Attorney’s Office charged Iannicelli with seven counts of jury tampering after members of the jury pool were found to be in possession of fliers describing jury nullification.

The complaint “does not accuse Mr. Iannicelli of advocating for or against any case in progress” and “it does not accuse Mr. Iannicelli even of targeting individuals for sharing information with them.”

I'm amazed at the lengths our corrupt “justice” system will go to keep people in the dark as to We the People's true power. Seven felonies for informing people of a part of our justice system that has existed for hundreds of years; a right that certainly isn't taught in schools.